
Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Benefits of the Ionic Foot Bath

Detoxing your body is such an important step to getting and staying healthy. Toxins that the liver can't process get recycled back into the blood stream, opening the door to disease and causing fatigue. According to the Livestrong website, the ionic foot bath "An ionic foot bath involves immersing your feet in a small tub of water and salt, while an attached device emits a low-level electrical current to create positive and negative ions in the water." It eliminates heavy metals and other toxins by pulling them out through sweat glands in the feet. Check this out, this is picture is from a 30 minute foot bath detox I did recently.

Ewwwww!!! Gross isn't it? Better out that in! The colors can change depending on what part of the body is being detoxed. This one looks like liver, joints and some cellular debris. It actually can get chunky and thick and it all comes from your feet. Amazing isn't it. It's recommended to only do it twice a week, as more often can disrupt the ion balance in your body.

Have you ever had an Ionic Foot Bath? How did you feel afterward?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Add More ~Ing To Your Life

Have you ever read something that changed your life? Gabrielle Bernstein's "Add More ~Ing to Your Life: A Hip Guide to Happiness" is just that kind of book. Over the last year I've posted many excerpts and exercises from this book. I highly recommend checking this book out and I invite you to revisit my previous posts on each chapter.

    Tuesday, July 26, 2011

    Simple Gluten Free Pasta Recipe

    I've been loving Ancient Harvest Quinoa pasta. To me it tastes just like any other pasta, but it's so much healthier for you. I've been in the mood for a really simple sauce, so I created the following recipe:

    Simple Pasta Sauce
    1/4 cup olive oil
    3-4 cloves of garlic, diced
    1/2 bunch fresh basil, shredded
    Cherry tomatoes for topping

    Mix oil, garlic and basil in a small container. Toss with pasta. Dice tomatoes over pasta until completely covered. Enjoy!

    Monday, July 25, 2011

    My Cancer Protocols Explained

    This past weekend I posted a Cancer Update and listed some of the protocols I've implemented or am in the process of implementing. I realize that most of that is gibberish to the general populace, and quite frankly up until last week was for me as well. So I thought I'd break it down a bit. Feel free to ask any questions and I will link to sites with more info, for those of you also going through health issues.

    MSM/Colloidal Silver
    MSM is an extremely vital mineral, that in combination with the silver, kills the microbes in cancer cells. Alone, these two would not have this affect, but by taking the MSM, than waiting 15 minutes and following up with the silver, the MSM opens up a "doorway" to allow the silver to come in and kill the microbes inside the cancer cells, allowing the cell to restore to a natural healthy state. 

    Limu Juice
    This product is a seaweed juice, with a tiny bit of fruit juice to improve the taste. The seaweed has cancer killing abilities and is a good addition to any protocol, but not necessarily a stand alone product. It's also crazy expensive. However, one of the main benefits is that it gives cancer patients more time, allowing other protocols to kick in. The taste leaves a little to be desire, but I've been throwing it back like a shot, so it's not so bad. Right now I'm taking about half the recommended dose of 16 ounces a day, but I am already feeling the affects. 

    The Cellect/Budwig Protocol
    This protocol has six parts 1) Vegetable Juice 2) The Budwig Diet 3) Cellect 4) Coffee Enemas and other detox methods 5) Vitamin B17 6) Real Sunlight. I have been doing green smoothies, and will now do a quart of smoothie and a quart of juice daily. A member of our local community was kind enough to loan us a juicer, so we'll be starting that portion this week.  

    The Budwig Diet consists of a blended portion of cottage cheese and flax oil, at I 2:1 ratio, with the larger portion being the cottage cheese. While it sounds odd, this protocol was discovered by a German scientist in the 50's named Johanna Budwig and has been used successfully to heal cancer patients for many decades. The combination of the flax oil and cottage cheese causes a chemical bond that allows the cells to easily absorb this combo. It creates an electrical charge in the cells, causing cancer cells to die and strengthening healthy cells. This protocol is done twice a day, on an empty stomach, and the goal is to work up to a 6:3 ratio. Some people really love it, personally I think it has a bit of an after taste, but I'm used to chucking down pretty much anything by now.

    B17, also referred to Laetrile, is found primarily in apricot pits. Back in the 70's you could purchase B17 supplements at your local health food store, but sadly people were being cured of cancer, and so the FDA, guns ablazing, came in and removed the product. Until recently people were still getting arrested for selling the seeds, but apparently that is no longer the case. However we did purchase this in pill form, and I'm attempting to determine the dosage as the bottle is in Spanish. Thank you international orders. Laetrile contains cyanide, which in this format does not harm healthy cells, but is deadly to cancer cells. This products main focus is to kill cancer cells. There are entire villages in South America where the people have never had cancer, because they eat the pits of the fruits. This is a highly effective treatment, but works best in conjunction with the Cellect, which provides the nutrients needed for the Laetrile to be absorbed by the body. The Cellect, which is a major portion of this protocol, is a powder that you take 6-8 scoops a day, and contains tons of minerals, which essentially support the immune system and aid the B17 in killing cancer cells.
    Detoxing is another important portion of this protocol. Once these methods start to work, your body works like heck to release toxins. Any toxins that get stuck recycle back into your blood stream, which can open the door to viruses and cause fatigue. Currently I am doing weekly colonics, and will start doing coffee enemas twice a day. The reason for the coffee is that it not only removes debris from the rectum, but also releases toxins from the liver, making it more beneficial than a typical enema. The more toxins you can move out of your body, the better you will feel and the less work your body has to do and the faster it will heal.

    The Vibe Machine
    Here's some info from the website "The VIBE Machine works on five different levels by using a medium electromagnetic field. In this field, a high voltage pulse is added along with ozone. The charge is placed at a negative voltage which is being transmitted to an antenna designed to twist the magnetic field. It is then routed through noble and inert gases. These gases are in a plasma state, varying in frequencies which relate to human cellular frequencies. Plasma is found between the protons and electrons of all cells in the human body. By oscillating this plasma state, the cells are energized by the Vibe Machine. Disease is a state found in non-vibrating, non-charged, or non-energized cells. The VIBE Machine brings the vibrational level of your body back to its natural state of being. It is a technological breakthrough in enhancing the human body by helping it reach optimum vibration and energy." Interesting eh? This is $10K machine, that a wonderful community member is lending to me during my treatment. You do two five minute sessions daily.

    Resonance Repatterning
    This is an energy psychology technique, designed to release blockages to emotional health. I used this several years ago to clear a pattern of attracting rapists wannabe (I'm not joking, I had DAILY issues from kindergarten through my early 20's). Anyway, after ONE SESSION, I received a compliment and date offer from a NORMAL man, and shortly there after met someone who I dated for three years. I also, after 20 years of being assaulted, sexually harrassed, etc., have never had another incident. This is powerful stuff people. Here's some info from my gal Bobbie Martin's website. "Resonance Repatterning is a process designed to clear beliefs, behaviors and negative emotions that create limitations in your life.  Much of what holds you back originates from subconscious patterns (or programming) which took place early in your life.  These subconscious patterns interfere with your ability to create the happiness, abundance, fulfillment, love and health that you desire. Repatterning works by bringing these subconscious patterns into your consciousness so they can be addressed and cleared, allowing you to move easily and naturally towards a state of what we call coherence. Coherence, as defined in Resonance Repatterning, is a greater balance, aliveness, harmony, and alignment with your goals." I am using this method to keep my positive mojo going and release any feelings of wanting to die. I've had one session in the last week, and my spirits are improved tremendously. I highly recommend this for anyone with emotional blockages.

    In addition to the items listed above, I will also start using a rebounder, which is a mini-trampoline, designed to move the lymphatic system. You can be as gentle or as enthused as you want. Even just standing on it and moving your feel just a little bounces you enough to move the lymph system. This is so important as the lymphatic system does not have it's own pump, so without movement it can get sluggish and cause illness. I am also taking an assortment of supplements, including Hydrocloric Acid and Digestive Enzymes (for processing my food) and Milk Thistle to support the liver, D-Ribose to support immune fuction, and B12, Vitamin D and Iron. Obviously I'm also eating a healthy diet, mostly vegan, lots of veggies and good grains, and drinking tea as often as possible. 

    Whew! Healing is a full time job, but I am fully dedicated. I am so much Gratitude and Love for my Supporters. Thank you for being there, and you are all invited over for Christmas Dinner, because, I WILL be here, and will be stronger than ever. 



    Sunday, July 24, 2011

    The Milk Revolution: Reviewing Non-Dairy Chocolate Milks

     In honor of Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution and his battle to get chocolate milk out of schools due to high sugar content, I thought I'd see how non-dairy milks compare.

    • Pacific Chocolate Hazelnut Milk 15g of Sugar
    • SoDelicous Chocolate Coconut Milk 10g of Sugar
    • Blue Diamond Chocolate Almond Milk 20g of Sugar
    • Blue Diamond Unsweetened Chocolate Almond Milk 0g of Sugar
    • Silk Pure Almond Dark Chocolate 22g of Sugar
    • Rice Dream Chocolate Milk 28g of Sugar
    • Silk Chocolate Soy Milk 19g of Sugar
    • Silk Light Chocolate 14g of Sugar
    • Organic Valley Chocolate Soy Milk 16g of Sugar
    • Eden Foods Chocolate Soy Milk 14g of Sugar

    Yikes! Looks like there is plenty of sugar in non-dairy milks as well, so don't assume this is a healthy snack. Check out this video demonstration of how much sugar the LA school kids get each week by drinking chocolate milk. Pretty scary.

    Do you drink any kind of chocolate milk? What one is your favorite? Will this info influence how often you reach for the milk?

    Saturday, July 23, 2011

    Gratitude and Love for My Supporters

    Dear Mom and Dad,

    I am so grateful for all you have done for me. I know going to doctors appointments and listening to the melodrama can be draining. I appreciate all the times you've cooked me meals, prepared smoothies (especially you Dad, since the kitchen is so foreign to you, ha!), done the laundry, dishes, cleaned the house. Dad, thanks for braving the 100 degrees and taking Triton out on walks. He also loves his kiddie pool. Thank you for taking out the trash, buying me groceries, helping me run errands, and just being there. I appreciate all that you do and know that we will get through this together. 



    Dear Friends, Facebook Friends, and Community,

    I am grateful for all the support I have received. Thank you for each positive comment, email, and prayer offering. I am grateful to the community for bringing me a juicer, a Vibe machine, and the talks of a benefit. I am grateful to my dearest Jocelyn for all the veggies, juice, girl talk, sleepover, and everything else. Laura and Trina, love you gals and thanks for driving up to see me. I am grateful to the ladies of the Reiki circle for the healing they are planning, and my dear Jess and Laura for the upcoming trip to visit. Thank you Gisele for checking in on me at the hospital and to all who have sent emails, love you. Thank you BFF ladies for the beautiful flowers, the cards, and all the prayers. To anyone else that I may have missed, I am grateful for your contribution, and know that all this positive action will help me heal. 



    Cancer Update

    I have been remiss in writing this past month, due to major illness. I've had two cellulitis infections, the cold from hell that turned into bronchitis, all of which gave my cancer the window it needed to spread like wild fire.
    I have two major tumors in my lungs, putting pressure on my trachea. Tumors in my spleen and abdomen and in the bones.My blood levels and iron are so low that I had to get a blood transfusion (18 hours in the hospital!). I also had to do an EKG to chart my heart, because it may not be strong enough for any type of treatments. It could basically stop at any time. I'm also malnourished, because my body isn't processing any of my food, so I'm constantly hungry but never satisfied. This is part of a lot of issues. I am going to take crap loads of Hydrochloric Acid and various enzymes, although I've done this before with little result, but it's the best shot I have of getting some nutrients in my body. Ugh, I may have to resort to juicing, oh how I hate it, but my new roomie (Dad) has volunteered to juice for me. I also don't get enough good fats, so hello avocados and almonds! And salt, my sodium is ridiculously low because I don't eat salt, so somehow I have to make that happen. I admit the thought grosses me out. My Vitamin D is insanely low, along with magnesium, but again until I start absorbing things I'm not sure how to balance this out. I got a B12 shot. I've been instructed not to drive and I can no longer live on my own, so my little bits of freedom are now gone. I'm doing my best to not be moody, but I am not excited about all of this. I did a Resonance Repatterning  session with Bobbie Martin to get my spirits up and plan on doing some more sessions. It's an energy psychology method that's pretty cool and can change the negative patterns we create and reform them into positive patterns. So wanting to die becomes wanting to live and so and such. In addition, we have to find a way to aid in my breathing, because if the tumor in my lung swells anymore, I will probably go to sleep and never wake up.Basically, this is my last chance, it's do or die, and maybe die anyway at this point. For those wondering about traditional treatment, besides my "hell no" attitude, I was given the impression that at this point it would only prolong my life, in a horrible way of course, that my cancer has spread beyond what chemo/radiation can do anything about. I've got to give it my all, or let go at this point, because there's not going to be a 4th chance. I would like to add that there are many people who have cured themselves holistically. I have fallen off the wagon many times, which is why I'm in this position. Those who are truly dedicated have had amazing healing experiences. This is my last chance to dedicate myself, and sadly it may already be too late. But I'm going to give it a whirl, and this time I have help. So fingers crossed!

    My Treatment Plan
    • Juicing/Green Smoothies
    • The Budwig Diet (cottage cheese and flax oil)
    • Laetrile/B17
    • Cellect Powder (for the immune system)
    • Limu Juice
    • MSM/Colodial Sliver protocol
    • Coffee Enemas
    • Rebounder
    • EFT, Resonance Repatterning, Meditation
    • Colonics
    • Talking to my tumors
    • The Vibe Machine
    There may be more to come, as we see how this all works!