
Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Benefits of the Ionic Foot Bath

Detoxing your body is such an important step to getting and staying healthy. Toxins that the liver can't process get recycled back into the blood stream, opening the door to disease and causing fatigue. According to the Livestrong website, the ionic foot bath "An ionic foot bath involves immersing your feet in a small tub of water and salt, while an attached device emits a low-level electrical current to create positive and negative ions in the water." It eliminates heavy metals and other toxins by pulling them out through sweat glands in the feet. Check this out, this is picture is from a 30 minute foot bath detox I did recently.

Ewwwww!!! Gross isn't it? Better out that in! The colors can change depending on what part of the body is being detoxed. This one looks like liver, joints and some cellular debris. It actually can get chunky and thick and it all comes from your feet. Amazing isn't it. It's recommended to only do it twice a week, as more often can disrupt the ion balance in your body.

Have you ever had an Ionic Foot Bath? How did you feel afterward?


  1. Wow! That is just disgusting! Agreed, better out than in!

  2. I have to say that I was surprised the first time I did it, I just didn't expect there to be so much grossness!

  3. OK, so, we're going to have a foot bath party when I come see you in a couple weeks! I wanna see how you do that!

  4. i used to get these done at my chiropractors office and i always noticed how much lighter i felt after!! do you have one in your house? what kind do you have?

  5. @Alison I'm not sure what kind it is. My Mom's friend Ellen lent it to us. So yeah, I've been doing it at home. I was told no more than twice a week, because it does disrupt the ion balance in your body and can pull some minerals as well, so too much is NOT a good thing in this case. But you do feel pretty clean afterwards.

  6. Even if it looked gross, you felt better afterwards, didn’t you? ;) The last time my mom had an ionic detox foot bath, the water turned dark green. When I looked at the chart, it said that it indicated the presence of gallbladder toxins. I am really amazed with the different colors that can manifest during an ionic detox foot bath. Haha!
