Squidoo is a wonderful site that allows people to write "lenses", articles on a particular subject or interest. It's simple, fun, and an easy way to promote yourself and make a little extra cash.
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My "Squidboo" Halloween Lenses
Scare-Tastic Halloween Movies For Kid's of All Ages
Throw a Buffy the Vampire Slayer Halloween Party
Vegan Halloween Treats
The Best Villains in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
My Childhood Halloween Costumes
Health and Spirituality Lenses
Add More ~Ing to Your Life: A Hip Guide to Happiness
Superfoods for Optimal Health
Vegan Freak: Being Vegan in a Non-Vegan World
12 Steps to a Healthier You
50 Ways to Lift Your Spirits
My Kripalu Spirit Junkie Adventure
Jane Austen Book Lenses
Lost in Austen: Jane Austen Lives On
Mr. Darcy's Daughters: A Book Review
What Would Jane Austen Do: A Book Review
Willoughby's Return: A Book Review
Book Lenses
Female Sleuths
Female Sleuths Part 2
Shanna's Guide to Urban Fantasy
Crazy Sexy Cancer
Entertainment Lenses
Chuck: The Ultimate Guide
Squid Paws Lenses
For the Love of Loki
Cancer Lenses
My Cancer JourneyCrazy Sexy Cancer
Cancer: Step Outside the Box
Recipe Lenses
Simple Gluten Free Pasta RecipeI'm always updating and creating new lenses. Coming soon: SquidPaws lenses! These lenses feature the furry friends in our lifes. I'm also developing more health focused lenses, a few more for Halloween, and some just for fun. You can check out my Squidoo profile here: