
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Winter Songs

Some of my favorite "winter" songs. While I love Christmas music, I enjoy listening to music simple about winter as well. 

My Christmas Playlist

I started to listen to Christmas music and have made several mixes. I have old favorites and my new find, the "She & Him" Christmas album that just came out this year. This is my current mix. 

Shanna's Christmas Playlist. 
  1. Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer--Jewel
  2. Christmas Day--She & Him
  3. Jingle Bell Rock--Amy Grant
  4. All I Want For Christmas is You--Mariah Carey
  5. Santa Got Stuck in My Chimney--Ally McBeal Soundtrack
  6. Run Rudolph Run--Ally McBeal Soundtrack
  7. Frosty the Snowman--Fiona Apple
  8. Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) Death Cab For Cutie
  9. Jingle Bells--Lisa Loeb
  10. All My Bells Are Ringing--Lenka
  11. Darlin' (Christmas is Coming) --Over the Rhine
  12. Christmas Waltz--Kristin Chenowith
  13. Go Tell It On the Mountain Medley--Jewel
  14. Man With the Bag--Vonda Shepard
  15. Rocking Around the Christmas Tree--She & Him
  16. Mistletoe--Colbie Callat
  17. Carol of the Bells--Sandi Patty
  18. Christmas Eve--Celine Dion
  19. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus--Ally McBeal Soundtrack
  20. Pink and Glitter--Tori Amos
  21. The Bells of St. Paul--Linda Eder
  22. Santa Baby--Ally McBeal Soundtrack
  23. Face of Love--Jewel
  24. What Are You Doing New Year's Eve--Vonda Shepard
  25. Auld Lang Syne

What are you listening to?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Latest Addiction: Pinterest

Raise your hand if you too are addicted to this site. That's what I thought. It's amazing isn't it! I've made several new recipes and found several things that were just plain interesting. Here are some of the pins I'm loving right now. 

What have you been pinning lately? Don't forget to follow me on Pinterest!

Follow Me on Pinterest

Smokey Artichoke Pasta

Here's a simple recipe I one of the bloggers I followed posted. I thought it seemed very tasty!

Smokey Artichoke Pasta

3 cloves of garlic
8 oz of pasta (bow-tie preferred)
3 cups of water
1 cup of artichoke hearts (cubed)
2/3 cup of green peas
1/3 cup of red onion (sliced)
2 tablespoons of vegan sour cream
1 tablespoon of oil
1 tablespoon of paprika
1 teaspoon of black pepper
1 teaspoon of salt

 In a pot, boil the three cups of water with the bow-tie pasta until tender.  About 25 minutes.

In a saute pan, heat the oil on low-med heat and add the garlic, onion and salt.  Cook the onions until tender.  Add the artichoke hearts, pasta, vegan sour cream and mix gently.  Add the pepper, paprika, and peas and mix gently.  When the sour cream is melted, remove from heat and let cool.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving went pretty well this year. I was able to spend it with both my parents, even as they go through a divorce. It really meant a lot they bucked it up for the holiday. We had a delicious meal, good conversation, and afterward they took Triton on a nice walk

My Thanksgiving Breakast: Udi's gluten free cinnamon rolls and SoDelicious Coconut Nog

Green Beans courtesy of Whole Foods

Mom's  Garlic Mashed Potatoes

Creamed Spinach courtesy of Whole Foods

Grandma's Cranberry Sauce
1 Package cranberries, 2 oranges w/peel, 2 apples, 1 cup sugar. Process in food processor until thoroughly blended.

Mix 3 eggs, package of ricotta cheese, one cup of cheese of choice, one cup of veggies of choice and combine thoroughly. Pour into pie crust and bake at 375 degrees for an hour. 

Magical Coconut Cookie Bars
In large saucepan whisk 14 ounce can coconut milk and 2/3 cup of brown sugar over medium heat. Bring to a boil and reduce to low. Simmer for 10 minutes. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line 13x9x2 inch pan w/parchment paper. In large bowl combine 2 cups graham cracker crumbs, 1/2 cup melted margarine and 2T sugar. Mix well to moisten crumbs completely and then firmly press mixture evenly into bottom of pan. Pour the coconut mixture over the graham cracker mixture. Spread 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips, 2 cups coconut, 1 cup pecans evenly. Firmly pat everything down until coconut milk mixture soaks upward into the toppings. Baked for 30 minutes, cool for 15, then transfer to refrigerator and let set overnight. Enjoy!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Saturday Night At the Blue Moose

Last night my friend Jennifer and her finance and I headed out to the Blue Moose restaurant in Overland Park to her my Uncle play. He's always been a musician, and he's played on and off throughout the years, and now it appears he has a steady gig at the Moose. The last time I heard him play I was probably 13, so I had wanted to go and show my support. Our families have had a tumultuous decade, and this past Spring my Grandma, our only connection, passed away.  I basically had a choice, let it go and have these two families never speak again, or attempt to forgive and reconnect. As a Spirit Junkie, forgiveness is the number one key to happiness, so I made my choice. It hasn't always been easy, and I'm not necessarily looking for our families to be BFF's or anything, but I think Grandma would be proud that we've reconnected. I'm hoping to continue with my cousins and I'll probably end up viewing more shows at the Moose, or wherever else he might be. I really enjoy the show and liked the variety in the songs. I had no idea what to expect, neither did my friends, but we all had a great time.

Jennifer and I

Fried Pickles

The Moose!

Ok, it took me FOREVER to figure out how to a) record a video b) look at it on my camera and c) get it off my camera. I haven't developed any editing skills or anything yet, but I'm relieved to have figured out the hard parts. I've been meaning to do it for awhile so I can start VLOGing at some point. However, apparently I still have to change the format???? I had a few recordings of the show, and wanted to post one, but at this point I don't think that's going to happen. Next time. Just know that it was a great time and please, come out with me the next time!

Friday, November 25, 2011

My ChristmasWish List

In honor of Black Friday I thought I'd post my Christmas Wish List. Fortunately, everything I desire can be purchased from the safety of one's own home.

Since getting back into yoga is on my list, an eco-friendly yoga mat is in order. I had a yoga mat, but after being infested with ants and being tossed outside, where the elements destroyed it, I new mat is in order.

And of course I'll need a good yoga DVD. I used to get yoga programs on the Fitness channel, but it appears Time Warner may have taken that channel off my list. GRRR. However, I've read great things about this woman's DVD's and watched some sample videos and feel this is for all levels and would have programs that I could work up to.

Also on my 31 Things list is to convert our family VHS videos to DVD. I want to be able to edit out some footage, such as my Dad forgetting to turn off the camera and getting an hour of people's ankle's. My parents would also record every version of a dance performance, and really, do you need more than one? Plus, I want to be able to create chapters so you could just go to my 3rd grade piano recital, or our first day with the new puppy, a certain vacation moment, etc.

I love this gal! Her music is incredible and I've thoroughly enjoyed each CD so far.

For whatever reason I have a small saucepan and a giant one. There are so many times when sometime in between would be perfect.

This is the PERFECT book holder! Sadly I left mine somewhere awhile ago and have missed it deeply. I love reading at restaurants, hands free(!) and it's great to be able to sit at the kitchen table at home and read while eating.

LOVE this movie. It's one of those that if I have the blues, I can stick it in and it makes me laugh every time. Sadly it's been out of print forever, until recently! It features Chevy Chase as a government agent and Carrie Fischer as a casting director for the new "Wizard of Oz" movie. Long story short, a hotel employee loses some reservations, and ends up overbooking the hotel. You have a Japanese tour group, a royal couple visiting the states and munchkins all attempting to share the hotel. There is crime, romance and silliness abounds. Great film.

What's on your holiday wish list?

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Favorite Blogs I Follow

I follow a lot of blogs and enjoy most of them quite a bit. I do have a few that consistently either provide good information, inspiration, tasty recipes, laughter, etc. Here are some of my favorites:

Gala Darling
Gala is a unique soul. Her blog originated as a fashion blog, as while she is still very much a fashionista, she is very into Radical Self Love. She has a weekly post called "Things I Love Thursdays" which many bloggers have taken up and added to their own blog. She has a podcast and workshop that teach you how to love yourself. She has also written an ebook that covers anything from self love, living in New York, how to make money blogging, etc. It's called Love and Sequins and is broken into 12 chapters, which you can either buy individually or all together.

The Perks of Having  Cancer
This is a blog I just recently discovered and really appreciate her humor. She writes fairly short posts with titles such as "Perk #27 Cancer Has Made Even My Most Embarassing Moment Seem Trivial.", "Perk #23 Cancer Has Made Me Grateful For My Chores" and my favorite "#20 I Don't Have to Worry About Guests Finding a Hair in the Food I Prepared." As someone going through cancer themselves, it nice to find someone who is focused on the bright side.
Almost Vegan
This blog is written by another local Kansas City gal and includes raw food recipes, product reviews, restaurants review and much more.

Green Beans and Yam
This blog is written by a young couple who recently went vegan and they write about their experiences, making vegan food for their family, etc. There is also a lot of info on yoga, mental and emotional health. Basically, we are following them on their path as they grow and heal their bodies, mind and spirit.

Hyperbole and a Half
Just read it. Trust me. Basically, funny stories with crazy drawings of her life. Rumor has it there is a book coming out next year.

Life is a Canvas
This blog covers Etsy and Pinterest finds, recipes, inspirational quotes, creative projects, book reviews, etc.

Sarah Wilson
Sarah Wilson is a reporter from Australia, who blogs about everything under the sun including the importance of riding your bike, quitting sugar, her interviews with celebrities such as Louise Hay and the Dalai Lama and everything in between.

The Grateful Life
30 year old who posts an experience or something nearly daily that she is grateful for. Very inspiring.

The Wellness Warrior
This blog is written by yet another Aussie who is going through her second bout of cancer. She is about 30. She did chemo and the whole bit the first time, but it came back just a few years later. I believe she has some kind of thyroid cancer, but it has metastasized into one of her arms. They wanted to cut off the arm, so she no way, and discovered the Gerson Therapy. This therapy has been around for 70 years or so, is illegal is the United States, but they have a healing center in Mexico or some place like that. She blogs about a variety of health issues and of course how her therapy is going. Recently, her Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, so now they are both on the program. She has a pretty powerful story, and I love her writing. She also has a couple of ebooks, one on Detoxing, and a new one on Eating the Gerson Way for the Holidays. Amazing.  

Yes and Yes
Finally, another favorite that explores a ton of topics. She travels quite a bit, and blogs a lot about her experiences. She also has a series of travel guide posts that I really enjoy. She is the one who came up with creating a list of items to do before your birthday; I project many bloggers have taken on including myself. She'll post the occasional recipe, random thoughts, videos, any topic is up for grabs. She releases a yearly calendar (I have the 2011 one) that has original artwork with inspirational quotes and fun remarks throughout the month. Highly recommend.

As I said I follow many blogs, and several new ones in the last month that may join the favorites list; I just haven't gotten to know them well yet.

What Blogs Are Your Favorites?

What I've Been Eating: Soups, Pasta, Chili and So Much More!

I thought I'd share some of the delicious food I've had in the last week. Recipes provided for most items. Go on, drool a bit.

Gluten Free Pasta with homemade basil pesto

Apples with raw almond butter

My Mom's Baked Potato Soup
Place 1 can of cream of mushroom soup, 2 cups milk, 1 Large potato (I also like to use 3-4 yukons or others for variety) in saucepan. Bring to a boil, then simmer about 15 minutes or until potatoes start to get soft. Add 2 cups of cheddar cheese and 1/4 cup green onion. Simmer until potatoes are completely done and Enjoy! Serves 2

Carryout from my new favorite counter style Italian restaurant Mama Leone's in Redbridge. 

Lemon Garlic Spaghetti
4 oz dry spaghetti
1/4 cup grated parmesan
2 tsp olive oil
1 clove garlic
1/2 lemon
2 tbsp pine nuts
5-6 basil leaves, chiffonaded

First, start your garlic oil. Pour in olive oil and chopped up garlic into a small frying pan and let it cook over low, until the garlic starts to brown on edges. Immediately remove from heat and reserve.
While that’s starting up, boil up some spaghetti.

Chiffonade some basil leaves. Here I have pathetically limpy basil leaves, but fresh is, as usual, the best.

Then you take some cheese…

Some pine nuts…
And dump it into a large bowl, with the garlic oil, garlic chunks and all. Squeeze in lemon juice. Throw in the spaghetti and toss until well combined. Plate, crack some black pepper on it, and nom.

Cocoa-Coconut Chili
1-1 1/2 coconut oil
2 cups diced onion
1 1/2 cups diced celery
1/2 cup diced red or yellow peppers
4-6 medium garlic cloves, minced
1 tsp sea salt
pepper, to taste
2 tbsp mild chili powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp allspice
2 1/2 - 3 tbsp cocoa powder
2 cans diced tomatoes
1 can rinsed & drained black beans
1 can rinsed & drained kidney beans
1 can rinsed & drain pinto beans
1 can light coconut milk
1/2 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
2 tsp chipotle hot sauce (I omitted this because the kids don't like spice)
1 cup frozen corn
1- 1 1/2 tsp agave nectar
1-2 fresh limes (for garnish)

Saute oil, onion, celery, bell pepper, garlic, salt, pepper, chili powder, cinnamon, and allspice in a large soup pot on medium high heat. Cover & cook for 7-9 minutes, stirring occasionally: careful not to burn the onions or garlic. When onions begin to soften, stir in cocoa powder and then add in tomatoes, beans, coconut milk, and shredded coconut. Stir it all up. Bring mixture to a boil and then reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in frozen corn and agave nectar, if desired and heat through for another 5 minutes. You can remove the cover if you want to reduce the liquid. Season to taste with salt, pepper or hot sauce. Squeeze a fresh lime wedge in each bowl before serving.

Like most chilis, this recipes tastes even better the next day for leftovers

Chocolate Chocolate Chip Muffins

6 tablespoons unsalted butter
4 ounces bittersweet chocolate, choped
2 cups all-purpose flour
2/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 and 1/4 cups buttermilk
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips

1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
2. Line a cupcake pan with the paper liners of your choice.
3. In a heatproof bowl set over a pot of simmering water, combine the bittersweet chocolate and the butter, stirring until smooth.  Remove the mixture from the heat.
4. In a large bowl, combine the flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
5. In a glass measuring cup, combine the buttermilk, egg, and vanilla extract, whisking until the mixture is smooth.
6. Pour the melted chocolate/butter mixture and the wet ingredients over the dry ingredients and stir gently until just incorporated.
7. Add the semisweet chocolate chips to the batter, and gently fold them into the mixture.
8. Divide the batter evenly among the baking cups and baking until a tester inserted into the center comes out clean, about 20 minutes or so.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Love and Gratitude: November Edition

new pasta recipes Jane Austen mysteries  magic cookie bars  #spiritjunkie  news that Kris Carr is working on a new book; a cookbook  finding new coffee shops such as Hi Hat in Kansas City and getting the Almond Joy hot chocolate, so good!  Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory  taking myself out to the movies  Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1  rediscovering artwork that was in storage finally taking care of some clutter issues  double chocolate chip muffins  being able to have Thanksgiving dinner with both my parents at the same time  learning Gabby Bernstein is working on a new book about being a Loveatarian  pinterest  detox baths lavender essential oils  cat naps on the sofa  the new show "Once Upon a Time"  watching Christmas movies on Hallmark  listening to the new She&Him holiday album  green smoothies 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

National Toilet Day

Toilet Cupcakes

As the daughter and granddaughter of plumbers, and having spend 10 years in the industry myself, I couldn't resist posting this fun picture and video that one of our Benjamin Franklin brethren created for National Toilet Day. Respect your toilet today with a good scrubbing and be grateful for indoor plumbing!

P.S. Don't forget to call Benjamin Franklin Plumbing for all your Plumbing needs! It's 816-333-6789 if you live in Kansas City. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Inspiration Board

Someone asked us recently, "Is there any limitation to the body's ability to heal?" And we said, "None, other than the belief that you hold." And he said, "Then why aren't people growing new limbs?" And we said, "Because no one believes that they can."
--- Abraham 

This post is inspired by Jess at The Wellness Warrior. She posts weekly Inspiration Boards and I always thought it was such a neat idea. Enjoy!

Have a Great Weekend!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

31 Things: Where I'm At So Far

This is my second year making a list of things to accomplish before my birthday. I got the idea from the blog  Yes and Yes. I turn 31 on March 29th, so I made a list after my 30th birthday of items to accomplish before my 31th birthday. We are a little over 4 1/2 months away, so time to see where I'm at. 

31 Things Before I Turn 31 on March 29th 2012

1. Learn to Knit; complete at least one project: This one is still in the works. I have picked out a project, I simple need to get the supplies and get started. I intend to do this in the next few weeks, I just need to get some bills paid first. 
2. Write my first book: I have a couple projects started, and hopefully now that I no longer have fatigue brain, I can focus more on these projects.
3. Read complete works of Jane Austen: I lost interest in this one. Well, I've actually read all but Persuasion and Mansfield Park, which I would like to read Persuasion at some point. I can't get interested in Mansfield Park. I actually modified this goal to "Read six Jane Austen inspired books." There are a ton of books inspired by Jane Austen being released. Revisions of Pride and Prejudice, continuation stories. modern adaptations, and even supernatural versions. I'm on my 4th right now, so this should be easy enough to complete.
4.  Swim with the dolphins: I researched this before going to Florida but a) it was fairly expensive and b) my health wasn't very good at the time. This will definitely roll over into another year.
5. Take voice lessons: I've lost interest in this one as well. I might replace it with something else.
6. Learn to make tiramisu: Still planning on doing this one, but likely after the first of the year. It's going to be cookie and fudge time  here in a few weeks! So I'll wait. I think it would be a fun Valentine's Dish.
7. Take 5th Dimensional healing class: Admittedly, lost interest in this as well. Replacement coming.
8. Attend an Opera: This might not happen, only because the next show I'm interested in doesn't happen until April. Definitely a rollover.
9. Visit the Harry Potter theme park: DONE!!
10. Complete a jigsaw puzzle on my own: Getting this set up today!! I cleaned  off my living room table, so I'm ready to go.
11. Convert our family videos from VHS to DVD: This is another one that really I'm just waiting until I have an extra $100 for the program. I think after the first of the year I'll be able to do this.
12. Schedule myself a Spa Day:  Still working on this
13.  Attend a Kansas City Storm Women Football game: Another rollover as their season doesn't start until April  or May
14.  Study A Course in Miracles; attend a workshop: DONE!!!
15.  Heal my cancer: If you've been reading my blog you know my progress on this one.
16. Create a weekly yoga schedule: I did this for awhile, then got out of it. I really would like to get back into yoga. I need a new mat and some videos; I'll put them on my Christmas list :)
17.  Journal daily: I really haven't done this. I do journal, but it's pretty random.
18. Go on a Missouri weekend and see all historical landmarks: I've done a little research and am thing that maybe March, I can get some gals together for this. I don't think Winter is the right time, but by March things will be nicer. Hey, maybe it can even be my birthday weekend!
19. Go on a 7 day sugar cleanse: I did this, more unintentional because I was deathly ill, but still I think it was more like a month. I'm limiting my sugar intake now on my cleanse and it feels great!
20. Heal my eczema: Ugh! This is the bane of my existence! Everytime I think things are almost healed, more sores appear. I've been told it's because of liver overload. I suspect that as I do more coffee enemas and my body heals and releases the tumors, the sores will stop appearing and my skin will heal as well. Can't wait!
21. Do a gall bladder cleanse: I've actually done this before, and recently realized I have no desire to do it again. Another one that needs a replacement.
22.  Read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galax: DONE!
23.Write myself a love letter: I keep "planning" on doing this, but haven't. I will though.
24. Take the "No TV for 30 Days" Challenge: DONE!!
25. Read something by Thich Nhat Hanh: Another one I've lost interest in. Replacement item!

26. Create a delicious gluten free, sugar free, banana bread recipe: DONE!
27. Clear out basement; sell items on Craig's List: DONE! Actually, I ended up donating the stuff to a gal whose house burned down. Better use for it don't you think?
28. Organize all my photos: DONE!!
29. Watch "Black Swan": DONE!!!
30. Try Pole Dancing: I have a friend that teaches this and another who really wants to do this. I honestly haven't had the energy, but hopefully I will prior to my birthday.
31.Clean my house weekly: Well, for awhile people cleaned for me, and yes, it happened weekly. I would say parts get cleaned regularly. The kitchen for example, and dog floor gets swept a lot. I'm going to go ahead and say I'm doing ok with this one. 

 Well, in summary I have 11 items completed, 13 items either to do or in progress, 3 rollovers and 4 items that need replaced due to loss of interest. Any ideas on what to replace them with? I think I'll add Publish a VLOG, Read the Complete Works of Frank Baum (I'm 2/3 of the way done with this already), and then I'll have to brainstorm the other two. 
How are you doing with your goals? Anyone else doing this project? How is it going?

Monday, November 14, 2011

My New Supplement Protocol

After getting out  of the hospital this summer, we did a lot of research to come up with a program for my Stage IV Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The program we picked consisted of seven different components: 1)Cellect, a powder complex with over 97 essential vitamins and minerals 2) Budwig Diet, a cottage cheese and flax oil mixture 3) MOPA, a frequency machine that kills the microbes in your cells, eliminating cancer cells 4)B17/Laetrile, which comes in pills and is found in apricot seeds. Potent complex that kills cancer cells 5) Vegetable Juices 6) Coffee Enemas 7) Sunlight.

Well, out of those seven I am currently doing two. I never did get into juicing; I hated the Budwig Diet and the Cellect is really awful as well. I will be restarting the MOPA soon, I just took a little break from it and admittedly I haven't spent  a lot of time in the sun. I realized that I need to put together another program. The juicing has been replaced with green smoothies so mainly it's replacing the Cellect. After doing some research, I believe I've come up with a supplement program that will replace the Cellect and add a few things for my specific condition.

  1. Merlin's Herbal Magic Elixir: This amazing herbal formula has 33 different herbs. A tablespoon a day in one of my smoothies will boost my immune system.
  2. Marine Phytoplankton: This product contains over 90 trace minerals. Here's a bit from the website "People that experience Marine Phytoplankton are known to enjoy enhanced brain function, improved immune function, antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial effects, improved cellular repair, radiation protection and detoxification, anti-inflammatory support, antioxidant support, improved circulation, improved heart function, allergy/asthma relief, suppression of symptoms stemming from degenerative disease. Plus the intense chlorophyll content in Ocean's Alive helps to increase oxygen uptake. Higher oxygen uptake means more fuel to muscles, which translates to improved performance and endurance."
  3. Colostrum: This product is excellent for the immune system. It increases energy levels, protects the intestinal tract, wards off infection, and reverse the aging process.
  4. Vitamins A, B12, D3 and E: Vitamin A eliminates free radicals, E is great for the skin and brain function, Vitamin B!2 is vital for life and unfortunately the one thing you can't get in a vegetarian diet and of course D also supports the immune system and normally comes from sunlight, which is harder to get during the winter.
  5. CoQ10: this is necessary for basic cell function
  6. MSM:: Helps your body absorb the other supplements, increases energy, oxygen to the cells, reduces inflammation and much more.
  7. Iron: I take this for my anemia
  8. Okra Pepsin: This breaks down the mucus wall inside your intestines
  9. Niacin: This I've been taking to strengthen my heart function
  10. Dr.Kelley's Enzymes: Pancreatic enzymes essential eat dead cells. They will eat the tumors.
  11. Bee Pollen: helps with immunity and hormone levels
  12. D-Ribose: gives you energy and rebuilds bones

I have about 2/3's of these items right now and plan on getting the rest throughout the month. Sadly it's all extremely expensive, so it may take a couple of weeks for me to get on the full program. My goal is to have it all my the first of December. I really feel this will be the best program for me for now. Along with 2 quarts of green smoothie daily, healthy diet, coffee enemas, dry skin brushing, rebounding, meditation, etc.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Cleanse Days 5-7

After some initial rebellion and internal struggle with some of the food changes, I think I'm finally settled. Green Smoothies help tremendously. I've noticed I rarely crave sugar, and if I do I have a nice pulpy glass of orange juice. I did purchase some low sugar chocolate snacks, but haven't really needed them yet. Yesterday I went to Whole Foods and saw my favorite pimento cheese and I just stood there for two minutes, then walked on. I barely glanced at the Bothhouse farm drinks (I like the Mocha Cappuccino) and for the most part managed to make some really good shopping choices.

 Coconut Based chocolate ice cream, cacao nibs and macadamia nuts, raw almonds dehydrated and seasoned with vanilla and maple, coconut ice cream bars, vegan/gluten free dark chocolate and orange bar and raw chocolate bar with superfoods. All very low sugar options and great for chocolate cravings.

 So good, I'm addicted

  LOVE this cereal! Reminds me of Grape Nuts without  the crap

I started coffee enemas this week, and have done my meditations while holding the enema. You do a fresh water enema first, releasing immediately, then follow up with the coffee enema, which the goal is to hold for 15 minutes. So far I've gone anywhere from, not going to happen, to about 12 minutes so far. I think it gets easier the more you do it. Here's a great video from Jess the Wellness Warrior on doing coffee enemas:

I'm starting to see some results. I had major fatigue issues through October, and as the week has gone on I've had more and more energy. In fact, yesterday was the first time I didn't nap in who knows when. Not only did I not nap, I tried to go to bed, and ended up laying awake for an hour and getting back up! I still went to bed at a decent time, and got about 8.5 hours of sleep, which usually I sleep for about 12 hours, but I haven't need to. In fact I've had problems with boredom now that I'm not sleeping as much. Suddenly, I have all this time and I have no idea what to do with it. I cleaned off my two tables filled with mail and sorted through. I organized my bills and created a payment plan. I've watched some Hallmark Christmas movies and done some things around the house. I need  to make a list of activities. It occurred to me that I could do that puzzle from my 31 Things list, finish putting together the photo album, also from that list. Shoot, I could actually start writing! My brain was too foggy, but it's clearing up so now it the time. Also, exercise and emotional/spiritual exercises. So we'll see how it goes.

 Green Smoothie

 Vegan Protein Powder

 Oatmeal with raisins, cinnamon and a dash of almond milk

Right now one of my biggest projects is finding the right supplement balance. I REALLY hate that Cellect, the mineral/vitamin powder that has like 97 things in it. It's nasty, smells nasty, and just doesn't go away. There really isn't anything else like it though; however, I believe I found an herbal remedy (that I already have some of) called Merlin's Herbal Magic Root Elixir. It has over 30 herbs in it. I will still need to take all my alphabet vitamins (A, B6, B12, B17, D3, E), and Iron. There is also something called Colustrum that is in the Cellect  and a great part of it that I can get on it's own. Plus I can start doing MSM again, Bee Pollen, and look into some other things. Some of the stuff is in pill form, but several things can be tossed into my smoothies.

So what's up for week two? Adding in exercising, which will be bouncing on the rebounder. Also, dry skin brushing and I really need to do the neti pot. I plan on thawing out the pesto I made this summer and making a delicious pesto pasta with Quinoa noodles, another soup, either corn chowder or baked potato, and trying out a Creamy Coconut Beans and Rice recipe. And of course, more green smoothies. I'll leave you with a photo of tonight's Buddha Bowl. This one has brown rice, diced potatoes, orange bell pepper, green beans, and seasoned tofu. Bowls are very easy to make. Pretty much use rice as your base, then any kind of veggie you could possibly think of, toss them together, and there you go. Delicious.