
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Saturday Night At the Blue Moose

Last night my friend Jennifer and her finance and I headed out to the Blue Moose restaurant in Overland Park to her my Uncle play. He's always been a musician, and he's played on and off throughout the years, and now it appears he has a steady gig at the Moose. The last time I heard him play I was probably 13, so I had wanted to go and show my support. Our families have had a tumultuous decade, and this past Spring my Grandma, our only connection, passed away.  I basically had a choice, let it go and have these two families never speak again, or attempt to forgive and reconnect. As a Spirit Junkie, forgiveness is the number one key to happiness, so I made my choice. It hasn't always been easy, and I'm not necessarily looking for our families to be BFF's or anything, but I think Grandma would be proud that we've reconnected. I'm hoping to continue with my cousins and I'll probably end up viewing more shows at the Moose, or wherever else he might be. I really enjoy the show and liked the variety in the songs. I had no idea what to expect, neither did my friends, but we all had a great time.

Jennifer and I

Fried Pickles

The Moose!

Ok, it took me FOREVER to figure out how to a) record a video b) look at it on my camera and c) get it off my camera. I haven't developed any editing skills or anything yet, but I'm relieved to have figured out the hard parts. I've been meaning to do it for awhile so I can start VLOGing at some point. However, apparently I still have to change the format???? I had a few recordings of the show, and wanted to post one, but at this point I don't think that's going to happen. Next time. Just know that it was a great time and please, come out with me the next time!

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