
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My Latest Addiction: Pinterest

Raise your hand if you too are addicted to this site. That's what I thought. It's amazing isn't it! I've made several new recipes and found several things that were just plain interesting. Here are some of the pins I'm loving right now. 

What have you been pinning lately? Don't forget to follow me on Pinterest!

Follow Me on Pinterest


  1. I’ve been having an awesome time with Pinterest too! I find lots of great stuff for homes and crafting on the site! I saw that purple door and repinned it on my board. It is hard not to like it since it looks lovely. I’m sure it looks more beautiful in reality.

  2. I really love it when I see doors with knockers. They kinda remind me of fairy tales such as Snow White and Cinderella. Haha!’D Anyhow, I love the purple door. It looks inviting and conspicuous!
