
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My Favorite Blogs I Follow

I follow a lot of blogs and enjoy most of them quite a bit. I do have a few that consistently either provide good information, inspiration, tasty recipes, laughter, etc. Here are some of my favorites:

Gala Darling
Gala is a unique soul. Her blog originated as a fashion blog, as while she is still very much a fashionista, she is very into Radical Self Love. She has a weekly post called "Things I Love Thursdays" which many bloggers have taken up and added to their own blog. She has a podcast and workshop that teach you how to love yourself. She has also written an ebook that covers anything from self love, living in New York, how to make money blogging, etc. It's called Love and Sequins and is broken into 12 chapters, which you can either buy individually or all together.

The Perks of Having  Cancer
This is a blog I just recently discovered and really appreciate her humor. She writes fairly short posts with titles such as "Perk #27 Cancer Has Made Even My Most Embarassing Moment Seem Trivial.", "Perk #23 Cancer Has Made Me Grateful For My Chores" and my favorite "#20 I Don't Have to Worry About Guests Finding a Hair in the Food I Prepared." As someone going through cancer themselves, it nice to find someone who is focused on the bright side.
Almost Vegan
This blog is written by another local Kansas City gal and includes raw food recipes, product reviews, restaurants review and much more.

Green Beans and Yam
This blog is written by a young couple who recently went vegan and they write about their experiences, making vegan food for their family, etc. There is also a lot of info on yoga, mental and emotional health. Basically, we are following them on their path as they grow and heal their bodies, mind and spirit.

Hyperbole and a Half
Just read it. Trust me. Basically, funny stories with crazy drawings of her life. Rumor has it there is a book coming out next year.

Life is a Canvas
This blog covers Etsy and Pinterest finds, recipes, inspirational quotes, creative projects, book reviews, etc.

Sarah Wilson
Sarah Wilson is a reporter from Australia, who blogs about everything under the sun including the importance of riding your bike, quitting sugar, her interviews with celebrities such as Louise Hay and the Dalai Lama and everything in between.

The Grateful Life
30 year old who posts an experience or something nearly daily that she is grateful for. Very inspiring.

The Wellness Warrior
This blog is written by yet another Aussie who is going through her second bout of cancer. She is about 30. She did chemo and the whole bit the first time, but it came back just a few years later. I believe she has some kind of thyroid cancer, but it has metastasized into one of her arms. They wanted to cut off the arm, so she no way, and discovered the Gerson Therapy. This therapy has been around for 70 years or so, is illegal is the United States, but they have a healing center in Mexico or some place like that. She blogs about a variety of health issues and of course how her therapy is going. Recently, her Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, so now they are both on the program. She has a pretty powerful story, and I love her writing. She also has a couple of ebooks, one on Detoxing, and a new one on Eating the Gerson Way for the Holidays. Amazing.  

Yes and Yes
Finally, another favorite that explores a ton of topics. She travels quite a bit, and blogs a lot about her experiences. She also has a series of travel guide posts that I really enjoy. She is the one who came up with creating a list of items to do before your birthday; I project many bloggers have taken on including myself. She'll post the occasional recipe, random thoughts, videos, any topic is up for grabs. She releases a yearly calendar (I have the 2011 one) that has original artwork with inspirational quotes and fun remarks throughout the month. Highly recommend.

As I said I follow many blogs, and several new ones in the last month that may join the favorites list; I just haven't gotten to know them well yet.

What Blogs Are Your Favorites?


  1. Aw, thanks for the mention!
    I'm a HUGE Hyperbole and a Half fan too!

  2. Your blog is my favorite of course!

  3. Thank you for mentioning my blog! I love your site and will be checking back.
    Cancer Warrrior
