
Friday, November 25, 2011

My ChristmasWish List

In honor of Black Friday I thought I'd post my Christmas Wish List. Fortunately, everything I desire can be purchased from the safety of one's own home.

Since getting back into yoga is on my list, an eco-friendly yoga mat is in order. I had a yoga mat, but after being infested with ants and being tossed outside, where the elements destroyed it, I new mat is in order.

And of course I'll need a good yoga DVD. I used to get yoga programs on the Fitness channel, but it appears Time Warner may have taken that channel off my list. GRRR. However, I've read great things about this woman's DVD's and watched some sample videos and feel this is for all levels and would have programs that I could work up to.

Also on my 31 Things list is to convert our family VHS videos to DVD. I want to be able to edit out some footage, such as my Dad forgetting to turn off the camera and getting an hour of people's ankle's. My parents would also record every version of a dance performance, and really, do you need more than one? Plus, I want to be able to create chapters so you could just go to my 3rd grade piano recital, or our first day with the new puppy, a certain vacation moment, etc.

I love this gal! Her music is incredible and I've thoroughly enjoyed each CD so far.

For whatever reason I have a small saucepan and a giant one. There are so many times when sometime in between would be perfect.

This is the PERFECT book holder! Sadly I left mine somewhere awhile ago and have missed it deeply. I love reading at restaurants, hands free(!) and it's great to be able to sit at the kitchen table at home and read while eating.

LOVE this movie. It's one of those that if I have the blues, I can stick it in and it makes me laugh every time. Sadly it's been out of print forever, until recently! It features Chevy Chase as a government agent and Carrie Fischer as a casting director for the new "Wizard of Oz" movie. Long story short, a hotel employee loses some reservations, and ends up overbooking the hotel. You have a Japanese tour group, a royal couple visiting the states and munchkins all attempting to share the hotel. There is crime, romance and silliness abounds. Great film.

What's on your holiday wish list?

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