1. The Daily Love, a gorgeous free e-newsletter with daily doses of ~love to warm your mailbox. It comes with a mixture of quotes, positive affirmations, and a little food for thought. From the Daily love this week,
"I think when you get to the point where you don't need to be in love, then you could be in love. You have to just be OK with yourself." - John Cusack
"Tell everyone you know: "My happiness depends on me, so you're off the hook." And then demonstrate it. Be happy, no matter what they're doing. Practice feeling good, no matter what. And before you know it, you will not give anyone else responsibility for the way you feel-and then, you'll love them all. Because the only reason you don't love them, is because you're using them as your excuse to not feel good." - Esther Abraham-Hicks
Sign up for this inspirational daily newsletter at The Daily Love
2. Love Love Love this stuff!!! Desert Essences Coconut Shampoo and Conditioner smells delicious, makess my hair silky and soft, and makes tangles practically non-existent. Plus, it's all-natural, organic, and never tested on animals.
3. The Rose Garden at Loose Park is absolutely gorgeous!!! I love going when it's in full bloom, wandering through, smelling the roses, picking out the perfect bench to just take it all in, wonderful.
4. I Love the fact that I was able to hear my cold in less than 48 hours, simply by utilizing my Neti Pot, a few good herbs and Reiki!! Yay, for healing myself :)
5. Eureka has been on top of it's game this season. The new timeline, the addition of James Callis, formerly Dr. Baltar from Battlestar Galactica, the fact they FINALLY got Carter and Alison together....LOVE THIS SHOW. The Mid-Season finale (yes, that means we'll be seeing more soon!) airs Friday Sept 10 @ 8pm.
6. Gala Darling is a brilliant beauty, with an incredible blog. Her blog is fun, insightful, and full of life. Every Thursday she does her own Love List, with "Things I Love Thursday's." Check out her inspirational blog at Gala Darling
7. Fever...you give me fever....fever in the morning....fever all through the night
I'd love to hear which version you LOVE the most! Here's a little P.S. for this blog, log onto Squidoo to check out my new lenses. Check back often, I'm creating new ones all the time! Comments help my ratings, so let me know what you think. You can see my current list of published lenses here: Toriphile81 on Squidoo
I've always been a carrot lover. When I was little, I chose carrots over ice cream. My parents would go into Baskin and Robbins and people would give them dirty looks, because they had their ice cream and I had my carrots. Relatives often teased I would "turn orange" but I didn't care, carrots are delicious.
Now that I'm older, I also know that carrots are a wonderfully healing vegetable. Carrot Juice is a powerful tool for healing many diseases, including cancer. Check out this great blog, Chris Beat Cancer for great nutritional tips on how he healed his Stage III Colon Cancer. P.S. He drank carrot juice daily, enough to turn him orange!!! Check out this picture!
So what's so great about carrots? Well, first, they are an excellent source of pro-vitamin A, vitamins C, D, E, K, B1 and B6. Carrots are rich in biotin, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, organic sodium and some trace minerals. They are a powerful anti-oxidant, blood sugar balancer, a blood builder, cleans your arteries, protects from free radicals, dispels mucus, lowers cholesterol, improves eyesight, can increase fertility, builds white blood cells, are an anti-inflammatory, heal skin issues, and ulcers. Great stuff!!
Carrot Juice is one of the healthiest way to get your carrot intake. Check out this great article on Carrot Juice for some recipe ideas and fun facts!
Check out these other tasty carrot recipes!
Sunburst Carrot Salad Recipe
Generally speaking, I don't buy the huge woody-textured carrots you find in many produce departments. I seek out bunches of seasonal carrots this time of year from various farmers, farmers markets, etc.
2 bunches carrots, preferably spring carrots
extra virgin olive oil
fine grain sea salt
1 green chile (serrano), deveined and minced
1 lemon, zest and juice
1 cup cilantro, chopped
1 cup green pumpkin seeds (pepitas), toasted
Start by washing the carrots. Use a vegetable peeler to shave each carrot into wide ribbons. If your carrots have beat up, dirty skins, peel them first before making ribbons.
Heat a big splash of olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat. Add a big pinch of salt and stir in the carrot ribbons. Saute for just 20 seconds or so - barely long enough to take the raw edge and a bit of crunch off the carrots. Quickly stir in the chiles and lemon zest. Remove from heat and stir in the cilantro, about one tablespoon of lemon juice, and then most of the pepitas. Taste. Add more salt and/or lemon juice if needed. Garnish with remaining pepitas.
Serves 4 to 6.
Carrot Soup Recipe
I typically seek out "early" carrots with the bushy green tops still on. The leaves should be fresh and not wilted, and the carrots should have vibrant color. If they feel rubbery, pass on them. I pass on bagged carrots or the big, woody ones - the early carrots often have a much sweeter flavor.
1 1/4 pounds carrots
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil (or clarified butter)
2 medium cloves garlic, minced
1 large yellow onion, chopped
3 cups+ vegetable stock or water
juice of 1/2 a lemon
fine grain sea salt (as much as you need)
- olive oil, toasted sesame oil, or red chile oil for a finishing drizzle - if you use toasted sesame oil (sometimes labeled pure sesame oil) it is very strong. I typically dilute it with olive oil. I use one part sesame oil to four parts olive oil.
Take the tops off the carrots (if they have tops) and give them a good scrub. Cut them into 1-inch segments and set aside. Heat the olive oil in a large, heavy soup pot over medium heat. Add the garlic and onions and saute for a few minutes or until the onions start to get translucent. Add the stock and carrots and bring to a gentle boil. Lower the heat and simmer for 20 - 30 minutes or until the carrots are tender - longer if your carrot pieces ended up larger. But try not to overcook. Remove from heat and cool for a few minutes.
Puree with a hand blender (sometimes I leave the soup a bit chunky, other times I go completely smooth) - then stir in the lemon juice. Now salt to taste. If you used a salty veggie stock, you might just need a little salt. If you used water, you'll need quite a bit more. Keep adding a few pinches at a time until the carrot flavor really pops. If it tastes flat or dull, keep adding.
Finish with a drizzle of great extra-virgin olive oil, one of the other drizzles I mention up above, or whatever twist you come up with.
Our body takes in toxins daily, from the pesticides in our food, the chemicals in our shampoos and the air we breathe. Even if you are on a strict organic diet using only natural household products, you still have toxins. High levels of toxins affect how our body functions, creating disease, increasing parasites and nasty bacteria in our body, making us fatigued and gain weight. There are several simple, at home tools that you can add to your daily practice that will help you eliminate these toxins from your body, and make you healthier overall.
1. Skin Brushing The Skin is the largest organ in the body; a quarter of our daily elimination comes through the skin. The Lymphatic System is the one system in our body that does not have it's own "pump" to help it circulated. It can become stagnant it we do not actively move it. Skin brushing stimulates the Lymph system, moving toxins through, into the colon, releasing during urination. Skin Brushing has many great benefits including improving the elasticity of your skin, removing dead tissue that clogs pores, reducing cellulite, improving digestion, increasing the production of new cells, strengthening the immune system and improving lymph function. You can get a dry brush from most supermarkets, drug stores, Target, Whole Foods, etc. Do it before you get into the shower each day. Watch the video below to see how it's done.
2. Colon Cleansing The average person has 25lbs of feces jam packed into their colon. Yuck!! Because of all the toxins we've allowed into our bodies, the colon has become a feeding ground for parasites, who thrive on the nasty bacteria buildups. All of this nasty commotion slows down the function of the colon, which can cause toxins to leak back into the bloodstream, make it difficult for you to assimilate all the nutrients in your food, make bowel movements difficult or infrequent and cause fatigue. Finding a colonic practitioner is a great way to eliminate this buildup, and make your colon shiny and new again. Enema's are a great at home tool, however they most clean out the rectum, the last 8-12 inches of the colon. However, even doing this can help get you moving better, and eliminate the buildup in the rest of the colon. Coffee enemas also help detox the liver, pulling even more toxins from the body. I highly recommend including enemas in your detox practice. I would personally purchase the enema bucket for the easiest and cleanest process.
Detox Your Liver with a Coffee Enema: Coffee Enema
3. Neti Pot The neti pot is a great tool for cleaning out the sinuses. Colds, allergies, respiratory problems are very common. The sinuses fill with bacteria, mucus and other toxins. By gently washing them with saline, you can prevent sinus related sickness! Simply insert the Neti Pot gently into your nostril, tilt your head, and let the liquid slowly drain through, cleaning out the nasal passages. Repeat on the other side. You can do this as often as you like, some people do it daily, like brushing your teeth. I would recommend doing it before getting into the shower. I often find that the moisture from the shower makes me release even more mucus from my nostrils, plus I'd rather get rid of the "gunk" during my shower, than sit on the couch for 20 minutes after blowing my nose.
4. The Zapper This unique tool uses a small electronic pulse to kill parasites in your system. Yes, people, worms, creepy crawlers and all sorts of nasties are living in your body right now, feeding off your waste, eating your food before you get to properly digest it, and they can also feed off of you!! Creating healthy eating habits and detoxing regularly can eliminate or reduce parasites in your system. The Terminator Zapper is a kickass little tool that you can wear anywhere, that literally "zaps" those pesky little parasites. The first week I slept with it on the bottom of my foot every night, and wore it on various body parts while sedentary. I spent 10 days mostly sleeping and taking trips to the bathroom, no kidding!! My body went into serious detox mode, and when I came out of it I had more energy than I'd had in years.
Grossed out? Would you like to get rid of those pets? Order a Zapper
These are just a few suggestions, that can make a HUGE difference in how your body functions. Exercise, deep breathing, Tongue Scraping, laughter, meditation, detox bath and a good nights sleep are also important in eliminating toxins from your body and keeping healthy.
I love my new Desert Essence Organics Coconut Shampoo and Conditioner, Burt's Bee's facial scrub, goji berries, fresh purple basil from the farmer's market, bouncing on my rebounder, walking down the Trolley Trail with Triton, picking out delicious sounding yogurts for Mom (even though I wouldn't eat them myself), reading Shazzie's Detox Your World, my dry skin brush, Silk's new Dark Chocolate Almond Milk, cozy black sandals, ballerina slippers, going out without makeup, curling my hair, colonics, deep restorative sleep, raw "southern greens" (yummy kale and collards with cayenne and garlic), RAW CACAO, green smoothies, meditation, dancing to Grace Potter and the Nocturals, local natural soap company Zum, Bad Seed Farmer's market, Tooth Soap, exfoliating with my foot scrubber, aloe vera, walking in the park, smelling the fresh Irises I just put in a vase, raw veggies, strawberries, the zapper, painting my nails in wild colors, laughter
Last Monday's blog So You Want to Eat Healthier and Feel Better... discussed items to remove from your diet for a healthier lifestyle. This week I though we'd talk about adding healthy items to your current diet. The Green Smoothie is a fantastic way to get more of those elusive fruits and veggies in your diet. Greens are an essential part of our diet. They contain chlorophyll, which increases brain power, cleans out diseased tissue, eliminates parasites and bacteria buildup, removes heavy metals, builds red blood cells and increases energy. Eating Greens Will Extend Your Life!!!
So why smoothies? One, I find that most people who are just getting into greens, have no clue what to do with kale, collard greens, dandelion greens, etc. Two, most people do not properly chew their food. Greens need to be broken down very finite, to break apart the cell structure that releases most of the properties in the food. By blending them, they are already "pre-digested" and your body can more easily assimilate them.
Green Smoothies are typically 40% greens and 60% fruit to start. As you become more used to them, start adding more greens and less fruit. I recommend drinking a quart a day to get the highest intake of greens. My Dad started doing this a year ago and he immediately noticed a difference in how his body functioned. These smoothies are great tasting and easy to make. Check out this article on Green Smoothies for some incredible recipes.
After you get used to drinking these, why not add some Superfoods to your smoothie to get even more from it! I would also recommend follow this inspirational blog Green Smoothies Blog by green pioneer Victoria Boutenko. It includes great information articles, recipes, alone with a plethora of stories from people who have healed their bodies of many diseases by implementing Green Smoothies into their diet. I highly recommend it.
Note: I should also warn you that you will likely go into a detox when you start implementing Green Smoothies in your diet. This could include increase in bowel movements, breakouts, runny nose, etc. Don't panic!! Your body is filled with toxins, from the food we eat, the environment, etc. You WANT to eliminate them from your body!! This initial detox will simmer down a bit after a few days/week once your body gets rid of the worst of the worst. You will then notice that your bowel movements are likely to always be more frequent, but thankfully your skin will clear up and your nose will as well. Check out my blog on detox tools later this week to ease this process.
Ok, healthy lords and ladies, go out there and Green It Up!!!
Ok, so hopefully you have a shiny set of bright white teeth, but in reality I know most people have had to deal with cavities at some point in time. Personally, I've never had a cavity and I'm almost 30 (alright, I know boo hiss!) Seriously though, dental health affects us all, in more ways than people realize. Studies have shown that a lot of diseases can start in the with infections in the gum/teeth area that go unnoticed. A lot of the problems stem from mercury fillings that leak and poison the bloodstream. Yes, it's all very scary, and I know most people already have nightmares about going to the dentist, but you CAN prevent these issues.
Tooth Soap is an amazing product that not only cleans your teeth, but HEALS YOUR CAVITIES!!! Tooth Soap is a natural, non-toxic product, removes oils, residue and contaminants and promotes remineralization of your teeth.
"You'll remember I sent you my first update when I first started using Tooth Soap®; well, here's my story, but first, some history ... Around October 2005 saw a dentist for a broken crown, also found out I had 4 cavities at about $185 each to repair. Since I was moving the next month, I would put that off until I got relocated and got some dental insurance. May 1, 2006, started Tooth Soap (peppermint) and I am two-thirds the way through the jar today as I am single at this time. Finally got around to making an appointment and January 25, 2007 was the earliest assessment date available. Could not believe my ears at the report. Waited to pass this on until today's cleaning confirmed that ... I HAVE NO CAVITIES, today, January 31, 2007! What a nice birthday present from Tooth Soap! I was 54 this weekend, and now I have to figure out what to do with all the monies put aside in my FSA account so I don't lose them! What a problem to have! Thank God it's not my cavities!" — Tom C., Florida
There are many more review such as this one on the website. My Mom, Dad, and Ryan all use this product and have mentioned that their gums are stronger, the sensitivity in their teeth has improved, breath is fresher and teeth feel cleaner. Amazing! Check it out!!
This week I'm focusing on self love. YOU are beautiful, creative, loving and worthy!! Self Love is sooooo important; if you don't love yourself, you will not be able to have an healthy loving relationship with anyone else. So take some time out this week to write yourself a love letter, shout out "I love you" to yourself on the street, and kiss yourself in the mirror. ♥
taking myself out to dinner, reading an enchanting book, brushing my hair, I am worthy, dancing it out to Kate Bush in the living room, creative, goddess, feeding my body delicious vegan food, getting down with myself to Janet Jackson's If, buying myself flowers, bouncing on the rebounder, smiling every time I look in the mirror, I am forgiveness, curling up with stuffed animals, dressing to the nines in Naughty Monkey heels, writing, meditation, superfood smoothies, daily energy routine, Om Namah Shivaya
blowing myself kisses in the mirror, green smoothies, I am Grateful, skin brushing, journaling, I am good enough, warm cozy bath with epsom salts and essential oils, wearing skirts, EFT, buying sexy underwear for my eyes only, communing with my Spirit Guides, loving my size 4 body, going to the movies alone, dark chocolately goodness, affirmations, I love myself and I am balanced, poetry, laughter, yoga, massaging coconut oil into my legs, singing in the car, playing in the sunshine, R-E-S-P-E-C-T, vision book, I am compassionate, spirituality, traveling the world in my mind, chatting with my ~ing, Madonna showing us the ultimate in self love , going to the library, doggie walking, running barefoot in the grass, standing naked in the mirror and telling each body part, muscle, organ and cell "i love you", writing myself a love letter, colonics, talking to my tumors, reading Rilke, dressing up for a night out at the symphony with myself, shopping, knitting, painting my fingernails purple, post compliments you receive on your mirror to look at every morning, create love lists like this!
"I don't like myself, I'm crazy about myself" Mae West
"To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance" Oscar Wilde
"I think that when we look for love courageously, it reveals itself, and we wind up attracting even more love. But if we're alone, we become even more alone. Life is strange." Paulo Coelho
"Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin, as self neglecting." William Shakespeare
"I celebrate myself and sing myself." Walt Whitman
"The greatest magnifying glasses in the world are a man's own eyes when they look upon his own person." Alexander Pope
"For what is love itself, for the one we love best?--an infolding of inmeasurable cares which yet are better than any joys outside our love." George Eliot
I get a lot of questions such as "What do you eat everyday", "How can I transition into a more vegetarian diet", "I'm already a vegetarian, but I'm thinking of going raw, what would you recommend" or "I don't feel good eating the way I currently do, what can I do to improve how I feel" etc etc. In honor of Meatless Mondays I decided to create a weekly blog series where I take you step by step from the Standard American Diet (SAD) to a Raw Vegan diet. Some of you will already be aware of some of the items I mention in the earlier blogs and some many not feel like they want to "go all the way". Do what feels comfortable. Unless you have a "terminal" dis-ease, baby steps often lead to more successful change than attempting to dive into something major all at once. Try it all, pick a few things, whatever suits you. Just take the time to measure how each new transition makes you feel.
1. Cut out carbs, bread, pasta, pastries, etc. for a week. Take a deep breath, don't freak out now, I know I'm asking a lot. Fact: 1 in 133 Americans have Celiac's Disease according to the Foundation of Celiac's Awareness. Now, the real problem is that as a civilization, MOST people have developed an intolerance to gluten products. We overeat them, in mass. Donuts for breakfast, pasta salad with bread for lunch, Spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner. Sound familiar. Cutting out carbs for a week will give you a chance to feel if you may have an issue. This doesn't mean you will have to say goodbye to carbs permanently (unless you do have an issue such as celiac's) however cutting back is key. After a week without carbs, take some time to notice, do you have more energy? Also, after that week, when you eat that first piece of bread, or make macaroni and cheese, how do you feel? Sluggish? Than carbs may not be for you. I found that I felt horrible eating all that pasta, bread, cookies, etc. but didn't even realize it until I cut it out and attempted to add it back in again. Now, I eat pasta maybe a once a month, although I usually go for the gluten free variety if I'm making it at home, I usually only have bread if it's served when I'm out, and try for sprouted grain varieties at home. I notice that I really don't feel too bad when I eat some carbs here and again now, and the alternatives can be quite tasty. If you don't notice a difference, dont' worry about it, but keep in mind that carbs can also be very fattening if you are watching your weight.
I would recommend doing this with meat, dairy, eggs, anything you feel could be causing a problem. Take one thing out each week, and measure how you feel. We will discuss dairy further later on.
2. Cut out the gunk aka Processed Foods. Read the label, if you don't know what's in it, it's not good for you. "In addition to the nearly six thousand chemicals and additives in our food, preserving processes have changed beyond recognition from the simple use of vinegar, salt, and sunshine. Many processed foods are stripped bare, rendering them of little or no nutritional value. Worse, foods are deliberately tampered with to create the desire for more. And the health effects of certain processing methods – such as the very controversial irradiation – are not yet known." Puristat Nuff said.
3. Cut out soda pop. Obesity, bone density issues, blood sugar problems, caffeine addiction, this is only the beginning. Put a nail in a can of soda pop and it will rust. Think about what it is doing to your body. There are some great alternatives out there, such as Blue Sky sodas, which are all natural. The best choice would be to cut out soda pop all together, drink more water, coconut water, juice, tea, etc. This one thing can make such a difference in your life. I know people who eliminated soda pop who also eliminated headache problems, started having fewer cavities, and immediately lost weight. If you are a soda pop addict, this would be a great place for you to start. Statistically it takes 21 days to create or break a habit, so set your goal, get some great alternatives and get rid of soda pop!
Here's a delicious gluten free, meat free, processed junk and soda pop free recipe to inspire you to get started on a more healthy you this week!
Don't forget, your homework this week is:
1. Go Meatless on Monday's (if you are already a veggie, yay!)
2. Cut out carbs for a week (think rice, beans, quinoa, instead)
3. Eliminate processed foods. If you don't know what's in it, toss it!
4. Set a 21 day plan to cut out soda pop. Stock up on coconut water, tea, juice and drink lots of water over the next few weeks.
If you have anything in particular you would like tips on, please leave a note on the blog and I will make sure to cover it in an upcoming blog!
"There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love." Bryant H. McGill
Forgiveness is one of the most important tools on your healing journey and also one of the most difficult. As humans we tend to hold on to our anger, grip it tightly like a security blanket, preventing us from moving forward. I've tackled forgiveness in the past. I did a lot of work in the early part of my healing process forgiving the men who had assaulted and sexually harassed me. Very difficult work, but I am no longer tied to them or those experiences.
"When you hold resentment towards another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free." Catherine Ponder
Recently I have refocused on forgiveness. There are some relationships in my life that are not as strong as I would like, and I have realized that forgiveness is a great way to release some of the tensions in those relationships, or perhaps release my need for them, if that is the case. A great tool is to go through your phone list, Facebook friends, email contacts, etc. and write down the name of anyone that you might have a sore spot with. You may love your best friend dearly, but have you truly forgiven her for ruining your favorite pair of shoes? Have you forgiven your father for being a drunk throughout your elementary school years? You may feel like you have "moved on" but until you actually forgive, you are still tied to that person or situation. Somethings are very simple to heal, and by looking at the situation from a new perspective, and saying "I forgive and release you" while visualizing you and that person surrounded by healing while light, can be a great release. Some things are not that simple, so I've included some tools on shifting the bigger issues in your life.
First, I did EFT to release any blockages I might have towards forgiving. This is a great video by Brad Yates that you can tap along to.
Next, I wrote a detailed letter to that person. I stated, sometimes in very angry detail, everything that upset me about the situation, and then I found a place of gratitude. I found something that I learned from that situation that I could write briefly about, than I ended with "I forgive you and I release you." I took a moment to contemplate, than got out the matches, took the letter outside, and lit it up, releasing the ashes into the universe.
Meditate, Meditate, Meditate. There are several great meditations out there. Gabrielle Bernstein Forgiveness Meditation is the one I have been using recently. You could also just put some ambient music on, and visualize yourself and the other person. See yourselves very clearly. Imagine a black cord connecting you two, this is the issue that connects you. See white shimmering light emanating from your heart to that person's, channeling white healing loving light between the two of you. Then see Archangel Michael, with his powerful sword, cut through the black cord connecting the two of you. Then mentally say "I forgive and release you." This is a simple meditation that can heal so many wounds.
This process will really open you up and clear a lot of anger and resentment. You should always start by forgiving yourself. It's so important to be in an open and loving state with ourselves, and if we can't forgive and love ourselves, can we truly love and forgive others? I would also follow up the meditation with a short gratitude exercise to bring the love back in.
Forgiveness is a process, and like Feel~ings this is a daily examination of self, and as you shift more and more towards a state of love and gratitude, this process will become easier and start to feel good.
If you have some time, check out this lecture Gabrielle Bernstein gave recently on Forgiveness ♥
By the way, after doing ONE forgiveness session this week, my Mother commented that she thought the tumor in my neck had shrunk. How powerful is that? ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺
Experiencing gratitude is an awakening to the true expression of Spirit. This planet, Universe, we created is lovely, filled with hope, joy, courage, passion, and beauty. Most days we focus on the lack, the pain, hate, fear, ugliness, and in doing so bring down the vibrations of ourselves, our friends, co-workers and planet. Every Friday I will be celebrating those things I am truly grateful for, and giving you tips on expressing and feeling grateful. I encourage you to start coming up with at least 5 things daily to be grateful for. Start a journal and write down your gratitude's daily. Need some inspiration? Check out World Gratitude for 42 days of inspirational ways to experience Gratitude.
Farmers enrich our community, provide us with nourishing foods, labor during the hottest times of the year, get up before dawn to bring us their delicious offerings to the Farmer's Market, and they do it with joy, gratitude and passion. I am GRATEFUL to all the Farmer's in my community and the invaluable service they provide.
I am GRATEFUL for the Plumber's who installed my new trenchless sewer system, the air-conditioner repair man who came out on the weekend, the garage door repair man who was there the next day, the electricians, carpenters, roofers and all other service professionals that give up their evenings, weekends, holidays and family time to ensure we live in comfort.
To all the Soldiers out there, thank you for protecting my rights, ensuring peace in the world, and risking your lives daily. I am GRATEFUL for the long months away from home, missed birthdays and holidays, bullet wounds, and hot steamy nights. You are all hero's in my heart.
I am GRATEFUL to all the men and women who have dedicated months of their lives to cleaning our oceans, healing injured animals and stopping the continuous flow of oil into our ocean. You are true leaders and visionaries; I am proud of you.
Thank you for each child molester you take off the streets, for capturing the Waldo Rapist, for protecting children in foster homes, educating children through D.A.R.E. and ensuring my safety. I am GRATEFUL for each night you risk your life on the streets, every moment away from your family, every evil you protect my community from. Your courage is astounding.
President Obama, firefighters, paramedics, cable repair personnel, city light worker, sewer system operator, water department employee, garbage wo(man), recycle center employee, nurse, doctor, teacher, social worker, park ranger, CIA/FBI agent, construction worker, public works employee, beekeeper, honorable politician, postal worker, UPS/FED EX driver, bus driver, phone company employee, librarian, mentor, pilot, flight attendant, volunteer