
Monday, January 10, 2011

21 Day Adventure Cleanse: Days 4-7

I've made it a full week on my cleanse now and I'm feeling pretty good.  The last few days I've been a little fatigued, and spent some extra time resting.  Today, however, I feel great, alert, and ready to get things done.  There is a list of "check in" items, to review at the end of each day.  In addition to tracking each item of food, I am also tracking how much water I drink, what supplements I take, how my eliminations are, what time in the evening I have my last bit of food, and how the cleanse makes me feel physically and emotionally.  I also record if I abstained from: coffee, alcohol, gluten, animal products and sugar and whether or not I did: dry brushing, neti pot, exercise, meditate, chew mindfully, laugh out loud, spend time in nature, get a good eight hours of sleep.

I've been doing a great job abstaining from everything but sugar. I have been eating a piece of dark chocolate at the end of each day. I admit that I haven't even resisted the urge. This week, though, I would like to see if I can go a few days without, and break the hold sugar has on me.

Chipotle Hominy Stew

I have been meditating everyday to the Vortex meditations, which I highly recommend.  Exercise has been hit or miss.  We had several nice days last week and Triton and I ventured out on walks, which gave us our "time in nature" quota as well.  I can't say I'm as motivated to walk in three feet of snow, in the 12 degrees. However, part of my 2011 Intentions included daily yoga, which I can't say has happened so far. The Yoga Journal online started a 21 day yoga challenge, today, which I signed up for. This should get me back on track for my intention and daily exercise.

I've generally been pretty good with the detox tools, but I haven't done a lot of laughing and as for chewing mindfully, I am terrible at this! So this week those are the things I will focus on.  I have been sleeping pretty well, except the last two nights, I've had to get up and pee every 30-45 minutes, no joke! Apparently my lymph is moving stuff through, which is great! However, it makes solid sleep very difficult.  Let's hope that chills a bit this week. 

How are you doing with your 2011 Intentions? 


  1. Wow! So far all I've done is talked about it... I plan to take that Ring to Mordor - one of these days... my precious....

    I can't seem to summon up the energy for all the cooking that would be involved. It's so much easier to just open up a box and hit the 2 minutes button on the microwave...

    I love your list! And I also love your the new look of your blog!

  2. Way to go Shanna!Keep up the good work. I know the focus is there because it's take dedication to do a clense. By the way the chipotle hominy stew looks so delicious and I am really loving the new look of the blog!

  3. I haven't even gotten around to making my 2011 intentions yet but I have been good at sticking to the health intentions I made, of course it has only been 3 days. :)
    Keep up the good work, I know you can do it!

  4. I'm doing the 21 day yoga challenge too! I'm a beginner yogi, so I think this will help me cultivate my own daily practice. Let me know how you are doing with this!

  5. Also, try eating some dates instead of chocolate. They are super sweet and delicious. That's what I've been doing when I need a sugar fix.
