
Friday, February 10, 2012

My Latest Trip to the Hospital

Monday morning my Dad took me to the ER due to massive swelling in the abdomen; I could barely walk or breath, LOTS of pain, massive swelling, felt like my organs were going to explode. They ran several tests and determined that my spleen and liver were massively swollen. My liquid monster issue had overrun my body again. I take diuretics at home, but apparently the dosage stopped working or getting through, I blew up again and overloaded my organs. Plus, I have been majorly fatigued these last few weeks; my iron levels had dropped below the danger level. They checked me in, set me up on an IV for diuretics, and then later a blood transfusion. I felt better automatically when receiving the blood; energy back! I spent Monday, Tuesday and most of Wednesday at the hospital. They let me check out Wednesday night. I've adjusted my at home meds, and have a check up in a week. I feel soooo much better! I think I dropped about 20 lbs, and though my organs are still swollen, I'm working on that.

So what happens now? Right before this, I had built a plan I called my "Liquid Love Feast". I realized my body was spending too much time on digestion,  and my diet had slipped. I hate juicing, the process not the actual juice, so I looked into some programs including the Blue Print Cleanse, which was just too expensive. So I came up with a new solution. There is a shop called Coffee Girls less than five minutes from my house that makes fresh juice. They come in 20oz, and they have 8 different varieties. From my research, if you go on a juice feast, drinking 64-80 oz of juice daily is ideal. So I plan on getting 4 drinks a day. Right now we have just been running up and buying them, and of course I was in the hospital, so no real time to get started. I am going to try and work something out, maybe a delivery system with the store; fingers crossed.

In addition I'm drinking lots of coconut water and aloe beverages. Protein drinks as well. I've decided to allow certain things like light soups, applesauce, etc. However, liquid is the focus. My goal is to do 1-3 enemas daily, skin brushing, detox baths, etc. I also ordered a liver cleanse, which I'll blog about when it arrives. I really want to focus on getting healthy.

As I get stronger, yoga will also be added and a few other items as well.


  1. I have faith that you will make it work, your time has come!

  2. Good luck with your liquid diet! I hope you will get stronger soon!

  3. I have been thinking about you for awhile, and wondering how things are going. You amaze me with your positive attitude. Keep it up!
    Cancer Warrior

  4. Hi again, Shanna. As a new feature to my blog, I am going to host a guest blogger once per week. It does not necessarily have to be about the PERKS of having cancer, but I like to focus on positive and up lifting topics. You have such a good attitude, and are so open to trying alternative therapies....I would love to host you on my blog. If you are interested in writing a guest post, email me at and we can work out the details. Livestrong!
    Cancer Warrior

  5. Shanna,

    I support you! I do daily (mostly coffee) enemas and the coffee can help with the liver - but careful with the liver dumping if you do decide to try a coffee enema. Read up before proceeding. If you're ever near hospital hill, the filling station has fresh juices - they have 12 on their menu (definitely try "the mint" - num num num!). I do hope you feel better soon and I surely hope we can see each other soon.

    Side note: have you ever read any Gabrielle Cousens?

  6. Thank you for all the positive comments; I am doing MUCH better. I've been doing coffee enemas on and off for awhile, so I've done my research, but totally understand where you are coming from. I've really wanted to check out the Filling Station, I might have to do that as a weekly flux or something. Coffee Girls is less than five minutes from my house, and they have about 8 different juices, so that's what I've been doing the last few days. I've seen Gabielle Cousens Raw in 30 Days movie, and looked at some of his stuff.
