
Friday, January 27, 2012

Cancer Thrivers: Polly Noble

This is the third entry in my Cancer Thrivers Series. You can check out the first two entries here:

Cancer Thriver: Jess from the Wellness Warrior
Cancer Thriver: Cortney from Green Drink Diaries

Polly has an amazing story and I'm so grateful I have the opportunity to share it with you today. 

I understand this is your second time with cancer; the first you followed the traditional methods. How did you feel when the cancer returned, and what made you decide to explore options outside of chemo? Most people don't even realize they have any, so how did you discover holistic healing?

Obviously being told the cancer had returned was disappointing as no-one ever wants to be told they have cancer, especially not twice in 4 years! But I took it as best I could and vowed to do as much as possible to make myself well again. I refused to let this cancer be my downfall. During my first diagnosis, I had read The Journey by Brandon Bays who healed herself naturally by healing emotional issues that had remained unresolved. This opened up to me a whole new world of alternative healing and the possibility of the body healing itself. From here, I just read and read more books on how the body was designed to heal so when I was diagnosed for the second time and coupled with the fact i had suffered very badly with side effects from conventional treatment such as chemo and radiotherapy, it was kind of a no brainer to try a more natural approach.
How did you family and friends respond to your choice to go the alternative route?
I sat my family down and said, “you may not like nor understand why or what I’m doing but I feel that this is for me to heal naturally. I don’t want to know if you disagree or have concerns - it’s not helpful for me to hear it so please keep it to yourself. I just need to know you love and support me” to which they agreed because they are amazing.
Did you work with a regular Oncologist or some form of holistic doctor? How do you feel you were treated?
I have had to become my own doctor! I am fortunate to have an oncologist who is very understanding and happy for me to do this my way. I have employed a team of practitioners from acupuncturists to energy healers to integrative doctors so that I have a support system available to me as and when i need them but ultimately it’s me that decides what to do and when which I encourage others to do. It’s so easy to give your power away to your doctor but it’s up to the person with cancer to take responsibility and do everything they can to help themselves heal or live with cancer peacefully.
Did you use any detox tools to help move the toxins out, such as enemas, skin brushing, foot bath, etc?
I do daily enemas, skin brushing, far infrared saunas (i bought one for my home), exercise to get the lymph system pumping as well as taking zeolite clay every morning.

Tell us more about the Cancer Journey book and your inspiration behind that?
I began writing The Cancer Journey-Positive Steps To Help Yourself Heal with 2 other people as part of a 21 day challenge to achieve the impossible! It took us a lot longer than 21 days as you can imagine but it was a wonderful springboard to creating a book that is helping many people. The Cancer Journey is a book I wish I had had when I was first diagnosed at 24. Its a very practical guide as to what someone with cancer can do to help themselves whatever route they choose to take - conventional or alternative. There is often a lot of information on diet and lifestyle that oncologists and doctors don’t tell you or simply just don’t know enough about which could actually make a huge difference between healing or not. 

Can you tell us a little bit about the healing program you are now implementing?
My healing program has 2 fundamental parts; detoxification and nourishment. I concentrate on flooding my body with much needed nutrients, vitamins & minerals and detoxing my body of toxins and any other matter, whether physical, emotional or mental - stuff I no longer need. In addition, I use meditation to help me calm my mind, put more attention on stillness and turn down the volume on the crazy fear-fueling thoughts that love to pop up and try to freak me out. I use vision boards, affirmations, exercise and juicy future goals to keep me inspired and motivated. All in all, everything I do is to help my body kickstart its natural healing mechanism which exists within all of us.

What is your status today? How are you feeling?
I feel great! The last scan i had, my doctor said was very encouraging as there had been no growth to any organs and no real change. So at least it’s not getting bigger.
What other books would you recommend for the newly diagnosed?
The fist thing I recommend someone do when they are diagnosed is to take inventory of their life and in particular their diet. Adopting an anti-inflammatory diet is super important to reducing and improving the environment in which cancer loves to thrive. Crazy Sexy Diet by the awesome Kris Carr is a great start, Anti-cancer by Dr David Servan-Schreiber, The China Study by Colin Campbell, Healing with whole foods by Paul Pitchford and Healing The Gerson Way by Charlotte Gerson
What lead you to blog and create your own life coaching program?
I was a life coach before I became a holistic health coach so helping people live their best life has always been something I have wanted to do. With my interest and love of food and nutrition it made sense to combine the two to help people use food to improve their health as i feel this impacts every area of life if its out of balance.
Any other tips for newly diagnosed?
Don’t panic, get lots of different opinions and look at all options before making a decision. Whatever route you decide to go down whether that be alternative or conventional, there are always many options available to you. 

About Me..

Polly Noble is a holistic health coach,  raw food coach, inspirational speaker and co-author of "The Cancer Journey". She also writes for The Huffington Post, Passion Magazine and makes regular appearances on BBC Radio. Having been diagnosed with cancer for the second time in February 2010, aged 28, Polly embarked on a kick-cancer-butt mission to heal herself naturally using a more holistic natural approach.

She is passionate about using her journey on the cancer train to help others arm themselves with everything they need to know to create health and happiness and change their diet and lifestyle to make prevention their priority, whatever their health. Having studied and researched extensively not only through books but her studies at The Institute of Integrative Nutrition, she wholeheartedly believes the body can be healed naturally and shares her insights & experience with you here. Polly's kick-ass attitude inspires and motivates people to weed out the toxic crap and get real with the good stuff! Polly's is co-author of "The Cancer Journey - Positive Steps To Help Yourself Heal" which is available from or Amazon. She is also the subject of a documentary, following her throughout her healing journey.

Mission Statement...To inspire others to live a happier and healthier life and to do everything in their power to achieve this in every moment so they can live a life they love.


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1 comment:

  1. Maybe you should add a note here that Polly Noble died of cancer, so folks who have cancer and who may be reading this blog can make more educated treatment decisions than she did.
