
Sunday, January 8, 2012

My New Blogs

Last night I realized that some of the things I want to discuss in 2012 really doesn't fit the format of Existing's Tricky. This blog is designed to discuss my healing journey, nutrition, radical self love, etc. So I've created a few new blogs and I'd appreciate if you'd check them out! Don't worry, I will continue to post as regular on Existing's Tricky. 

Embracing Miracles
This blog will follow my Spiritual Journey as I read and practice the lessons in A Course of Miracles, continue growing as a Spirit Junkie, spiritual book reviews, etc. 

Enlightened by Reading
I've joined and started several 2012 Book Challenges and this blog will be the reviews of everything I read. 

My Birthday Bucket List
Remember my 31 Things List? Well this will go more in depth on my journey to achieve those things, plus of course my new list come March 29th!

Please sign up to be a follower, post on Facebook, Twitter, post comments, and let me know what you think!

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