
Monday, January 9, 2012

10 Day Lifestyle Cleanse

My first two intentions for the year were 1) Make a Plan and Stick With It and 2) Get Physical. This included adding some positives to my day eliminating things that were unhealthy, and sticking with it! This week I'm going to do what I call a "lifestyle cleanse" a simple transitioning from what I'm doing now, to where I want to be. This will include healthy eating, detox, yoga, emotional and spiritual growth, etc.

Here's what a typical cleanse day might look light. I will of course be blogging each day to let you know how I'm doing and what I'm doing.


  1. Start with a quart of MSM/Lemon water. This is good for cleansing the body, healing the skin, and clarity. 
  2. Drink a glass or quart of green juice. If breakfast is needed, stick to oatmeal or raw cereals and granola. We'll be leaving out grain based cereals for this cleanse. 
  3. Also, down a glass of Amazing Grasses supplement blend.
  4. Take my pills, brush teeth and FLOSS! I am terrible at this and it is incredibly important. So this is a new  habit, let's see how I do. 
  5. After my email session, do my enema. This includes a simple water enema and a coffee enema. 
  6. Skin Brushing session with "I love My Body Exercise". My friend Andrea came up with this one and I LOVE this idea. As you do your skin brushing, tell your body "I love you toes, I love you feet, I love you ankles, legs, knees, etc." As you go over your entire body with the brush, love it. 
  7. I will alternative between showers, and detox baths. The baths will be either epsom salt baths or oatmeal baths. They are also very relaxing. 
  8. Before lunch, I will sit for 15 minutes, relax, and do a Meditation exercise. 
  1. A simple lunch of salad and a sweet potato or something of the sort. With my new book holder I am able to read during lunch, which, as you may recall, reading is the third item on my resolutions list. 
  2. Throughout the afternoon and day really, it's important to drink lots of water. I will also be drinking coconut water to keep my electrolytes up. If I get snackish, than nuts, trail mix, fruit, will all be acceptable snacks. I'll also want to sneak in another green smoothie
  3. Two hours of writing daily is goal four, so this will definitely happen in the afternoon. 
  4. Gentle yoga, which, depending on how I feel will depend what I do. Most likely about 20 minutes. I have a new mat and beginners DVD (Yoga for Beginners) that will guide me. 
  1. Dinner will be something like polenta with pesto and root vegetables, Buddha bowl, gluten free pasta, beans and rice, soups, etc. 
  2. This will be a time for more reading, knitting, jigsaw puzzle, contacting friends etc.
  3. A nice glass of chocolate coconut milk should fix my sweet tooth for the evening. 
  4. Bedtime: prayer and visualization. I will end the night with a prayer to the Universe, and as I fall asleep, talk to my body and visualize it healing. 

Sounds like a lot, but this is a LIFESTYLE. What makes it a cleanse? I will be avoiding dairy, gluten, sugar during this cleanse. After this, if I choose I can always add a little of those in, but as they are really not that important, I'd rather not. This will also complete one of my 31 Things goals, do Megan Templars cleanse. I'm not following exactly, but taking pieces and incorporating into my own. 

After this I will do Sarah Wilson's "I Quit Sugar" cleanse, which should be easier once I make my lifestyle change. It's an 8 week cleanse and I will definitely be doing weekly blog updates when that starts. 

What are you doing to kick off you 2012 resolutions? 

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