
Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Fluid Monster Returns to the Hospital

In my last post My Trip to the Hospital or Adventures of the Fluid Monster I discussed spending a few days in the hospital. Well, Friday night my Dad took me back to the Emergency Room, where it seemed I had gained 12 more lbs since my discharge on Tuesday! Yikes! I was admitted into the hospital for a longer care period this time. They hooked me up to an IV drip of the diuretics, started some heart medication, and basically monitored my progress. Thankfully, I seemed to have lost quite a bit of the fluid. Unfortunately, I don't have an exact amount as each scale seems to be wildly different. However, I can walk fairly normally now, though I still have a bit of swelling in my feet and legs, and my abdomen and butt are considerably smaller. There is still probably an extra 20lbs, but I am hoping it continues to drain off. I was released on Wednesday, with a list of prescriptions for getting me to pee like crazy and strengthen my heart. I am so glad to be home! Now I can finally get my program in gear, in conjunction with what the hospital gave me. I am weighing myself daily to make sure I am shrinking and not blowing up again, plus I'm restricting some of my liquids.

I want to take a moment to say how GRATEFUL I am to all the beautiful people who stopped by my hospital room or called. Being in the hospital is about as boring as it gets, and your visits/calls really lifted my spirits. I am also grateful for the package from Gabby, Zoe, and Elisa, you ladies are so lovely!  Thank you. I am also blown away by the continued donations to Shanna Sandmoen's Healing Fund. I feel so blessed. This is such an aid to my family and I appreciate every cent.

This weekend I have a lovely group of ladies from St.Louis and Columbia coming to visit. It will be a beautiful weekend of Eden Alley carryout, chick flicks, girl talk, etc.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are enjoying your first day home from the hospital!
