
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Quantum Balance Pendants

I have fallen in LOVE with these crystals! They are based on the Chakra system, and each necklace has a different purpose. I've been wearing the "I Allow", creating a bridge to Spirit and uniting heaven and earth energy. This is Magenta. I recently purchased, though have yet to receive, a gorgeous red crystal that focuses on the root chakra "I Will" for prosperity, grounding, life force, vitality, etc. I also have ordered the beautiful turquoise pendant "I Relate" focusing on the higher heart chakra, immune system, purification, and pure expression from the heart. You can get these either through their website: Quantum Balance Crystals or the Raw Food World.

Here's a fantastic video that really explains what they are all about.


  1. I have the green one for balance and am enjoying it, I also like that it gives me protection from EMF's!

  2. Complete and utter nonsence. Totally fraudulent with non existent properties. Fools are easily parted with their money.

  3. I love your testimony. Can I publish it in our newsletter? Love, TLC
