
Friday, January 13, 2012

Ode to Yes and Yes

So right around the holiday's I purchase the 2012 Yes and Yes calendar. I had the 2011 and LOVED it, so why not? Sarah, the delightful woman behind the blog Yes and Yes sent me a message on Twitter asking for a review. Of course(!) I replied, only to fail miserably. Sadly, it timed out during my week of fatigue where I basically slept for 10 days. After, I simply just didn't do it. I truly LOVE this blog, and it's been the inspiration for so many things. This is where the 31 Things Before I Turn 31 project came from. So here's my Ode, a way to say, sorry for being a bum, and girly, love you. 

The Calendar

First things first, the calendar. This pic comes from last years calendar. I found it incredibly inspiring and fun. When I took it down, I didn't want to throw it away, so it will be part of my Vision Board. 

The new calendar is larger, and just as fantastic. On the backside of each month is a project, such as an outline for a postcard, so you can send it to a friend, questions about goals, etc. The calendar itself has all the regular holidays (i.e. Martin Lurther King, Easter, Fourth of July, etc.) but in addition some of the days have little tips such as "Go to the movies by yourself" or "Write a friend", "Meet for a late-night date." 

Even though we are halfway through January, I still recommend ordering a calendar. The advice and projects alone are worth the price. Be inspired. 

31 Things Before I Turn 31

I first read about this project about a year and a half ago. I thought it sounded fantastic and created my 30 Things list. I was halfway to 30 at that point, but still had a lot of fun with it. This year I've learned so much from this project and I'm already looking ahead to my 32 Things. In fact, I've been so inspired that just this past week I created a new blog called My Birthday Bucket List, that will go over all my goals, updates on how I'm doing, posts on completed projects, etc. Please check it out and sign up to be a follower. I love reading Sarah's posts; it's just such a clever idea!

The Blog

So what can I say? I LOVE LOVE LOVE this blog! There is so much variety from advice columns to travel guides, interviews with people who've had unique experiences, inspiration and of course Sarah's bucket list posts. Not to mention her Network of Nice. Here are some posts that I have enjoyed.

Mini Travel Guides: Azerbaijan Turin, Italy   Norway 

From the Yes and Yes Website


Yes and Yes is a lifestyle blog created and written by Sarah Von (who finds talking about herself in third person pretentious and weird). I created Yes and Yesbecause I wanted to read a blog that was funny, smart and offered varied content.

And by 'varied content' apparently I meant posts about cat outfits. And haikus about Brazilian waxes. And instructions on how to become a grown up.

I couldn't find a blog like that (maybe I didn't look hard enough?) so I just started one myself. I also wanted to read something that addressed the many, many aspects of modern life and didn't pigeon-hole women into different camps.Fancy, high-paid CEOs might want to  read about low-cost volunteer-based traveland hippie girls might want to read about cute, over-priced underwear. Moms might want to read about the travails of online dating and college girls might want to learn about throwing theme parties. Why not put all that stuff on one site?

Also? I lack the attention span to limit myself to one topic.

Ultimately, Yes and Yes is about living the life that works for you and saying 'yes' to the things that make you happy.

I'm Sarah Von. It's nice to meet you!
Hanging with girls from the Cat Cat Tribe in Sapa, Vietnam
It looks like I'm contemplating history and the inevitable
passage of time, but really I'm thinking about how I want a latte.

Oooooh, what's this a metaphor for?
Another photo, rife with metaphorical symbolism!
Dear Edward Norton: I'm in yer ice cave, stealing yer spirit animal
Wanna know more? Here's a two part interview! And we can even be friends onfacebook or twitterEmail me questions, comments and book deals at sarah (at) yesandyes (dot) org.

Please go and follow this blog; just say YES!

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