
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

10 Day Lifestyle Cleanse: Day 1

Last night I cried tears of Gratitude all evening. Tuesday has been the most blessed day. I work up at 5am, which at first I thought was crazy, until I remember I went to bed at 9pm, so still 8 hours. I spent time working on some blog kinks, and in checking my email saw Danielle LaPorte's fire sale. She's retiring her Spark Kit, with the new release of her book the Firestarter sessions coming out this Spring. The Spark Kit is a life/finance/branding/inspiration that is over 200+ pages, with hours of video and audio and much more. It's normally $150. Her fire sale meant that if you pre-ordered the new book, you could do a love donation for the Spark kit. Well, you could only pay through Paypal, and when I checked my balance I had $6.88 in it. I took a pause and said, what the heck? I paid $5 for this amazing program.

Shortly thereafter I received requests, RECEIVED, as in they contacted me(!) from two publishers asking me to review something. One I emailed with a quick response of YES! We then emailed back and forth for the next hour. She emailed me wanting to know if I wanted to review more books. Um, yes. So she sent me the review list of upcoming titles, and she's from fucking TOR books! For those not familiar, TOR is one of the top publishing companies, known for their sci-fi/fantasy books. Obviously they publish other things because the book she contacted me about is historical fiction. Anyway, looked at the titles picked six and she said "great!". Yes, I'm basically getting 7 free books, plus I'm now on a list so whenever they update, I'll get to pick more. The other email I haven't responded to yet, but yet another free book, plus the opportunity to review more. So blessed!

All through the day I kept getting emails for these free programs, 30 Day Reinvention, some relationship program, and a few free workbooks. I signed up for all of it and now have tons of inspiration for 2012. The 30 day program suggested getting a buddy, so through the Facebook page I met a wonderful gal whose I spend quite a bit of time chatting with on Facebook. We will be keeping in touch daily to meet our goals.

So then I check my email and Gabrielle Bernstein had emailed me and comped her All Access Club, which I think was over $100 for a year. So you get free lectures, including this Friday's New Years lecture, videos, goodies, etc. I am so moved. So I sent her an email back about how much she has inspired me and contributed to my healing and next thing I know, she sends me an email and comps me for her summer Kripalu Loveatarian weekend workshop. I cried happy tears. I called both my parents, crying.

I just feel like everything is happening in such a beautiful way. I had my 24 hour creative push a few days ago, got some good sleep, and then the Universe sends me all this love. Tomorrow I plan on starting on some of those workbooks, creating my 2012 vision board, and really getting down with my cleanse.

So I may not have been perfect on Day 1. I ate well, in fact, this morning I made more almond milk, made pecan milk, walnut milk, chocolate walnut milk and....strawberry macadamia nut milk. I am loving my nut milk bag!

I finished my third book for 2012. My goal is 52; so far so good. I'll start another one tomorrow.

I will end my evening with prayer and visualization. Tomorrow I plan to start fresh with a new book at breakfast, MSM/lemon water, raw cereal, then brushing/flossing, coffee enema, skin brushing and shower. Then I'm going to get some stuff from Trader Joes and Whole Foods. I plan on getting Spiritual in the afternoon, might even break out the yoga mat. I'll be sure to meditate/pray/visualize again. So most of my list will get done, if not all.

Feeling so much love and gratitude


  1. Woo hoo you are on an abundant roll!

  2. Sounds like the angels are really at work in your life right now. I feel so happy for you. Congrats!
    Cancer Warrior
