
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Staying Healthy and Balanced This Holiday Season

Holiday time can be very stressful, especially for those with lots of friends and family. There's all the baking, the party making, sending out cards, decorations, charity events, etc. Here are some tips to keep healthy and maybe chillax a bit and enjoy the season.
  1.  Green Smoothies: the fastest and easiest way to keep up your health and balance your diet during this time is to incorporate daily smoothies. Use a variety of greens and fruit, maybe even add some protein or superfood powders. Drink at least one quart daily, preferably upon waking, to get you going for the day. 
  2. Allegro Wellness Teas: these teas are fantastic and come in fun flavors such as "Queen Bee Balance", "Peaceful Slumber", and "Everyday Amazing. The teas usually combine various teas such as green, red, white, or yerba mate. They have various herbs and are delicious and will give you that pick up, or relax you, depending on your needs. 
  3. Meditate: Take at least 15 minutes out to just sit quietly, and enjoy the peace. Your mind will love you for it. 
  4. Cookie party: Instead of slaving for hours baking your holiday goods, invite some friends over, set them up as sous chefs, and have fun with it. Then give away as much as possible. 
  5. Healthy meals: Trying to find healthy, simple meals. There are a ton of vegan chili's and soups that serve 8-10. If you are single, cook it all, then freeze half or more for later. Check out VegWeb for recipes. This is easy and will keep you in food for quite awhile.
  6. Dance to the Music: Put on your favorite Christmas music and boogie down in your living room. Just let loose and let the energy flow!
  7. Love Letter: Write yourself a love letter. List all your amazing talents and post it somewhere you can read to remind yourself of your specialness when you get stressed. 
  8. Watch Hallmark Christmas Movies: Hallmark is running Christmas movies pretty much 24/7 until the New Year; some of them are quite entertaining. Take some time to relax, make some popcorn, and enjoy the holiday spirit. 
  9. Gratitude: Take time each day to come up with a least 5 gratitudes. It will put you in a positive mood. Anytime you get stressed throughout the day, take a minute, meditate, and do your gratitudes. 
  10. Drive around and see the lights: Get some hot chocolate, some friends, hubby, your dog, and check out all the neighborhood lights. Put some Christmas music in the CD drive, and make sure you bundle up in case you want to get out and look at anything closer. 
What Have Your Been Doing to Keep Healthy and Sane During the Holidays?


  1. carving out 'me time' is the best way i can keep my head on straight this season :)

  2. I like quite a few of these tips, thanks Shanna! I'm printing out the list to keep as a reminder over the next few weeks.

    P.S. Came here from Yes and Yes.

  3. Thanks, I'm glad you guys found this helpful! And "me" time is definitely important!
