
Friday, December 2, 2011

My Smoothie Cleanse


This past weekend I pledged to do a Smoothie cleanse to clear out all the Thanksgivingness. And while I did drink LOTS of smoothies, up my enemas, take an oatmeal bath (wonderful!) and start skin brushing again, I found it difficult to not eat at all. So I did snack a bit and do my best to keep it healthy. I made some amazing smoothies, and plan to continue drinking 3-4 quarts daily, as I add full meals back in to my diet. You can see I have some amazing greens, fruit and superfoods that made kick ass smoothies. And while I may not have been perfect, I tested my PH this morning and AMAZING, I'm right in range, which I haven't been for awhile. So soak up your greens! Here are some of the smoothie recipes I made.

Spinach/Baby Kale/Banana/Peach/Raspberry/Strawberry
Organic Girls Super Greens Mix/Acai/Banana/Strawberry
Blueberry/flax seed/cacao
Banana/oats/almond butter/cacao/almond milk
Baby Kale/Banana/Peach/Cherries/Noni Powder/Bee Pollen
Spinach/Mango/Strawberry/Blackberry/Merlin's Herbal Blend
Organic Girl Super Greens/Cherry/Banana/Pineapple/Strawberry
Silk's Pumpkin Spice Soy Milk/Wheatgrass/Banana/Pineapple

This holiday nog is the most creamy, delectible, drink I've had. I usually don't like nog, but this stuff is to live for! Run, don't walk to your nearest Whole Foods and pick this baby up, and don't forget to get the Mint Chocolate as well.

Overall I feel great and am excited to continue to get healthy. Have fun with your smoothies; don't be afraid to experiment a bit.