
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Relationships As Assignments

I've always realized that people come and go from your life for a reason. Sometimes its difficult to let go; most of the time it's obvious that it's time. Each person is a lesson, someone that teaches us to grow, and I am grateful for that. Recently I've run into a slew of relationship challenges. Long term friendships that may be ending. newer friendships where the original connection is weak; it's been difficult. However, I've also had a newer relationship that has become incredibly strong, amazingly so. This person is a godsend in my life. I have a few other friends that live in other parts of the state/country that I know are lifers. Everything falls together beautifully whenever I see them, and if we ever do have a challenge, it's looked at as a way to grow, rather than separate. I also have started a new friendship that seems promising. It amazes me how life balances out sometimes. I do hope the straggling relationships can be rebuilt, but I know that if not, I gained something from those experiences. I learned to speak up, have more fun, appreciate the differences in people, and for all those lessons and more I am grateful. I am also grateful to the people that float in and out, the ones that comment on blogs, send cards, post kind notes on Facebook, etc. that you really don't have a deep bond with, but these are relationships non-the-less. The waiter at your favorite restaurant is a relationship assignment, as is the girl who rings up your groceries, your neighbor, postal carrier, and everyone you meet, regardless if it's only a moment, or for a lifetime. I feel blessed to have met so many incredible souls, and look forward to continuing to develop those long term relationships and appreciating and letting go of those that move in and out of our lives.


  1. Shanna, I relate to this so much! I think most people are subconsciously aware that "everything happens for a reason" but most don't stop to consider it deeply. As you said, ALL relationships are assignments, regardless of how seemingly insignificant. I crave permanence but in my life I've learned to adjust to the ebb and flow. The people that are in my life today, on the whole, are not the same as the people who were in my life several years ago. I try to "keep in touch" (you know the friendships that are limited to Facebook "likes") but it gets harder and harder. I'm at a crossroads in my life with romantic relationships and I'm hoping my ~ing can guide me to the best one(s). I wish you the best! xo

  2. I relate to this a great deal, too. I feel lately like I've forgotten how to many new friends - or that maybe I never even knew. I've gotta work on that, but it's hard to even get started...or to KNOW where to start. I'm really glad you have some close friends to support you in your healing.

  3. Truthful honest insights on relationships and the spaces between, as well as space to grow & at times move on. Love the relationship assignments among all beings we encounter throughout our day - the grocery line: we're there to send & receive love... under the guise of paying for our greens.:) I love meeting your mind/spirit in your blog, Shanna. xo

  4. People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person.
    I think that is a beautiful quote even though I don't know who first said it. :)

  5. I like the thought of "relationships as assignments" and wonder if we all looked at relationships this way, if we might fare better at appreciating all relationships.
