
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Fall TV: My Picks for the Best Looking Potential New Shows

While I don't watch a lot of TV anymore, every Fall the networks release a batch of new shows. I always try a good portion of them out, most of which either I, or the network, decide aren't worth it after all. However, I almost always end up adding some new blood to my list of beloved shows. This year I've looked through all the potentials, and while there are several I will try, this is a list of the ones that look the most promising to me. For a a complete guide of Fall's new shows, click here

Ringer (CW) starts Tuesday Sept 13 @ 8pm
Sarah Michelle Gellar stars as twin sisters, one who has a troubled past, and other the "perfect" life. When the perfect sister commits suicide, the other secretly takes her place and discovers life may not have been so perfect after all.. This is been labeled a dark mystery in the same vein as "Damages". The preview is a little vague, but I've always had pretty good luck with CW shows, love Sarah, and can't get enough of an intriguing mystery. I have high hopes that this will become a new favorite addiction.

Whitney (NBC) starts Thursday Sept 22 @ 8:30pm
I'm in desperate need of a new comedy and of the one's I've previewed, this looks the most promising. The main character is quirky, fun and has a boyfriend that seems to really get her. Every preview I've seen has made me laugh, which is a HUGE deal in the world of comedy. I'd say this one has real promise.

A Gifted Man (CBS) starts Friday Sept 23 @ 7pm
This looks like a unique mystery, paranormal romance, and heartwarming experience all wrapped into one unique package. A doctor sees his ex-wife on the street and speaks with her for the first time in years. He later calls her office to check in with her, and discovers she's been dead for two weeks. Jennifer Ehle (who played Elizabeth Bennett in Pride and Prejudice) is a spirit that comes to him for help. I found this concept intriguing and am curious to see where they go with this story line over time.

Pan Am (ABC) starts Sunday Sept 25 @ 9pm
This show just looks like it could be a lot of fun. Set in the 1960's, it stars Christina Ricci, along with a group of other stewardess' who are fre-wheeling women determined to see the world. Saucy relationships, adventure, mystery, I love it already.

Once Upon a Time (ABC) starts Sunday Oct 23 @ 7pm
I've always been a sucker for a good fairytale and this looks awesome! A young woman discovers that she may be the long lost daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming and her existence in the modern world has caused chaos in the fairytale world. When the son she gave up years ago contacts her, she goes to visit him and gets wrapped up in magic and mystery. I can't wait for this one!

These are the shows that look to me to have the most promise, but there are a few other things I will probably try like the Zooey Deschanel comedy "New Girl", the new "Charlie's Angel's" another darker fairytale show called "Grimm", and a few other comedies that I'm hoping for aren't too painful. I could really use some more comedies in my rotation.

What Fall shows have grabbed your interest?

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to see Sarah michelle Geller back on TV. I've always really liked her.
