
Friday, September 9, 2011

31 Things Before I Turn 31: #28 Organize My Photos

Most of my albums are already quite organized; however, with the passing of my Grandma this Spring I inherited several boxes of photos. I have gone through them all, created an album, and I uploaded some of my favorites to share. I LOVE photos, and am sorry that I went through a phase in my 20's where I never took any photographs. Fortunately I received a camera as a gift last year, and have been able to take pictures wherever I go. Here are some pictures I pulled from Grandma's collection that I wanted to share.

My Grandparents 

My Grandma (wasn't she hip!)

My Grandad with my Dad

My Great-Grandma, Grandma and Dad

My Grandparents in their Golden Years

My parents with baby me

My parents the dating years

Baby Daddy

My parents (I believe my Mom was pregnant)

My Grandpa towards the end of WWII

My Grandparents

My Cousin Sloane

I LOVE this picture, how romantic!

So how am I doing on my 31 Things? I started slow, but I've checked about five things off my list, have another 4-5 in progress, and should get several more done by the end of the year. There are a few things I'll save for Spring, and possibly a couple things that just aren't going to happen, but we'll see. I'm going to keep it up and share on my blog!

1 comment:

  1. Boy do those pictures bring back memories...I love that last one of them together too!
