
Friday, August 26, 2011

Seven Ways to Enjoy Raw Cacao

Cacao (Raw Chocolate). This is chocolate in it's purest form.  The Mayans considered this nut to be the food of the Gods and traded it as money instead of gold. Cacao is nature's number one weight loss and energy boosting tool.  Raw cacao supports supports heart function and contains the highest concentration of antioxidants of any food in the world! It contains a great deal of trace minerals, including zinc, copper and Vitamin C. It is the number one source of Magnesium, incredibly high Iron content, helps balance blood sugar and oxygenates the blood.  Cacao also produces Serotonin, which helps us feel good. 

Mint Chocolate Smoothie
Blend 1 cup of almond milk or coconut water, 1 bunch of mint, 3 T of cacao and a banana. Makes a delicious sugar free, powerful smoothie!

Superfood Cereal
This delicious cereal is my favorite of the raw cacao based cereals on the market. It contains: Organic Buckwheat Sprouts, Organic Coconut, Organic Clear Agave Nectar, Organic Dates, Cacao Superfood Blend (Organic Cacao, Organic Maca Root, Organic Mesquite Pod Powder, Organic Astragalus Root and Reishi Fruit Body), Organic Currants, Organic Sunflower Sprouts, Organic Flax Seed, Organic Vanilla Extract and Himalayan Crystal Salt

Trail Mix
Cacao nibs go great in trail mix. There are several on the market, but you can make your own. Suggested items include goji berries, various raw nuts, dried bananas, sunflower seeds, etc.

Raw Chocolate Chip Cookies
These cookies come from the Sunny Raw Kitchen Forum.

For the cookie batter: 1 3/4 cups cashew flour, 3/4 cup ground oats, 1/2 cup agave, 2 tsp vanilla extract, 1/2 cup melted coconut oil
For the Chocolate Chips: blend 1/2 cup coconut oil, 1 cup cacao. Put mixture into freezer than chop into chunks.
Assembly: In a large bowl mix cookie batter ingredients by hand. Fold into chocolate chips. Form into balls, roll into cashew flower and refrigerate. Note: I have also warmed them in the dehydrator for just a bit after they set up in the fridge.

Raw Chocolate Bars

Chocolate Orange Cake (From the Sunny Raw Kitchen)
Check out the recipe here

Chocolate Mocha Ice Cream (from the Sunny Raw Kitchen)
Check out the recipe here

David Wolfe and Shazzie have written the ultimate cacao book. With a history, nutritional chart, and several unique recipes, you'll be eating healthy chocolate every day! 

Do you eat raw cacao? What are some of your favorite ways to enjoy it?


  1. Raw cacao is way too bitter for me...I don't even like dark chocolate, but I am glad you enjoy it!

  2. Yay, you have just given me some ideas to try out more cacao based recipes, especially the chocolate mocha ice cream! I have been hearing about cacao left and right, but I think we should also raise awareness of moderate consumption even when it comes to health food like cacao.
