
Sunday, August 21, 2011

My 2011 Intentions: How I'm Doing

At the beginning of the year, I created a list of intentions for 2011. We are a little more than half way through the year, so I thought it was time to check in on my goals.
  • I intend to create a daily practice of yoga, meditation and journaling
  • I intend to drink at least one Green Smoothie daily
  • I intend to do 35 minutes or more of cardio exercise at least 4 times a week, this includes dog walking, rebounder, etc. 
  • I intend to focus on growing my blog this year, including number of followers, investing in SEO program, creating regular posts and updating the look
  • I intend to write and publish my first book
  • I intend to focus on my Spiritual practice, which could include taking classes at the Rime  Buddhist Center, increasing my meditation practice, Spiritual reading, prayer, and creating my own Sacred Space.
  • I intend to start the year with a 21 Day Adventure Cleanse, and do mini-cleanses throughout the year
  • I intend to continue to build and grow my friendships and schedule at least one social outing each week
  • I intend to attend a Vipssanna meditation retreat as part of my healing and Spiritual growth
  • I intend to take a vacation this year, location TBA
My Success:
I drink green smoothies almost everyday, and really enjoy it. I attending a Spiritual retreat called Spirit Junkie, started A Course in Miracles, and have been learning to be more Spiritual. I blogged about my 21 Day Adventure Cleanse experience. I have made several new friends, made an effort to get social at least once a week, and have done fun things like the Roller Derby, chit-chat at a local coffee shop, and going out to the movies. Read here about my Vipssanna Meditation experience. I took a vacation to Portland, you can read my blog post here.

In progress: 
I started off the year on a good path regarding Yoga and exercise, but sadly my health has taken a turn lately and prevented me from doing so. Hopefully as I build up my strength again, I can start small by rebounding. I also have not been very diligent about journaling, although I've done it a bit, and I've only recently increased my meditation practice. I will continue to focus on these two things. I have not had the mental clarity to focus on a book, so this may roll-over to 2012, once I am healed.

Overall I think I'm on the right track. How are your 2011 Intentions going? 


  1. Well I didn't actually make any intentions this year so I guess you could say I am doing just fine with them. (o:

  2. Well, after writing my future me letter for 2011, I made a list of goals I wanted to complete this year. Surprisingly, I have accomplished a large portion of those goals. Makes me think about the scripture of "write the vision and make it plain" I am noticing how God is working those visions or goals into reality. Also it's been wonderful sharing some of those experiences with you!
