
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

31 Things Before I Turn 31 on March 29th 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!! I'm officially 30 now, so it's time to review my 30 Things Before I Turn 30 list. Let's see how it turned out. I actually only had 5 months, instead of a full year as the project suggests. I completed 11 items from the list, have a few that no longer interest me, and the rest I'll roll over to my new list.  Click here to read about my progress on my 30 Things list. So what will I do this year?  


1. Learn to Knit; complete at least one project
2. Write my first book
3. Read complete works of Jane Austen
4.  Swim with the dolphins
5. Take voice lessons
6. Learn to make tiramisu
7. Take 5th Dimensional healing class
8. Attend an Opera
9. Visit the Harry Potter theme park
10. Complete a jigsaw puzzle on my own
11. Convert our family videos from VHS to DVD
12. Schedule myself a Spa Day
13.  Attend a Kansas City Storm Women Football game
14.  Study A Course in Miracles; attend a workshop
15.  Heal my cancer
16. Create a weekly yoga schedule
17.  Journal daily
18. Go on a Missouri weekend and see all historical landmarks
19. Go on a 7 day sugar cleanse
20. Heal my eczema
21. Do a gall bladder cleanse
22.  Read Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
23.Write myself a love letter
24. Take the "No TV for 30 Days" Challenge
25. Read something by Thich Nhat Hanh

26. Create a delicious gluten free, sugar free, banana bread recipe
27. Clear out basement; sell items on Craig's List
28. Organize all my photos
29. Watch "Black Swan"
30. Try Pole Dancing
31.Clean my house weekly

Any tips or suggestions to help me complete my list? What's on your list?

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