
Monday, February 7, 2011

30 Things Before I Turn 30: #13 Attend a Roller Derby

I've had a desire to attend the Roller Derby for a few years now, but somehow always missed the season. Saturday night some gals pals and I headed down to Municipal Auditorium for the opening game of the season! We have four local teams: Black-Eyed Susans, Dreadnought Dorothys, Knockouts and Victory Vixens. If you are not familiar with the derby, essential, it's kick-ass chicks on roller skates, speeding around a ring, trying to score points, and knocking down anyone who gets in the way. The game is simple, once you get the hang of it, but violence and incredible skating moves play a large part. It's wild, crazy fun, the audience is spirited, and the Kansas City Roller Warriors do an excellent job of making a real production out it. I will say that the particular match we saw, which was a double header, would have been more entertaining if the teams had been more even. The Black-Eyed Susans killed the Dreadnought Dorothys, winning by an 80 point spread.  The second game between the Knockouts and Victory Vixens turned into an even bigger slaughter, with the Vixens coming out ahead by 100 points! The season runs through August, so hopefully we will make another game, with teams more evenly matched. Otherwise, great experience and I hope to do it again!

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