
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Getting Into the Vortex: Guided Meditations

According to Abraham, the collective channelled by Esther Hicks, everything in life comes down to one thing: coming into alignment with the Energy of our Source. They have written many books on this topic, but have not released a guided meditation CD geared towards releasing our resistance and aligning with our Source.  There are four meditations, each 15 minutes long, focusing on four areas of life: General Well-Being, Financial Well-Being, Physical Well-Being and Relationships

I started listening to this meditation about two weeks ago, daily, and have enjoyed the experience so far.  The focus in on breathing, a topic that comes up a lot in the world of physical, emotional and spiritual health.  Breathing is key to releasing toxins from our body, letting oxygen in, reducing stress, and letting go of our resistance to new ideas.  Combining breathing with strong affirmative statements, this meditation is designed to bring us into alignment with our desires, and show us what it means to be a Spiritual being. 

Fifteen minutes a day is a reasonable amount of time to spare in order to shift into a space of physical, financial and generally well-being, while improving my relationships.  I find that if I listen to it right before I get out of bed, I never forget and it kick starts my day.  I highly recommend checking out this meditation CD, and further exploring the works of Esther Hicks.

1 comment:

  1. I have been doing these meditations too and they are great!
