
Friday, November 26, 2010

Love and Gratitude Friday's

The past few weeks have been some of the most challenging and rewarding weeks of my experience.  I have been highly stressed for a great deal of it, and I know my health and productivity levels have both taken a hit. Soon, some of my stressors will be resolved, and I will be able to better shift my focus. I have a lot in my life to be grateful for, and know that the Universe and my own sheer will power will always ensure than everything will be alright.

I am Grateful for...
My beautiful home, fenced back yard, full basement, new water heater, my soon to be installed new kitchen lighting, doggie door, garage, my waterbed, my own home office space and all of my utilities ♥ I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to Benjamin Franklin Plumbing, the wonderful Kathy, and technicians, and our new corporate advisor Tim ♥ Triton's free photoshoot and the opportunity to meet such a wonderful family, the VanDuesen's, who took marvelous photo's and are also part of the raw food movement! ♥ the library for providing my entertainment ♥ Sarah Wilson for her daily blogs that are informative and inspirational ♥ I am grateful for our delicious Thanksgiving feast, and my family who is supportive of my vegetarian choice ♥ I am grateful for both of my parents, who have supported me financially, supported my holistic cancer choice, and continue to support me in all ways each and everyday ♥ I am grateful for each moment I spend with Triton, cuddling, wrestling, running around the backyard or going on walks

My Thanksgiving Dinner

My Love List...
I love crunching through the leaves in the driveway ♥ warm fall afternoons, sitting on the porch, reading a book, watching Triton eat my recyclables ♥ I love cooking, creating new recipes, making muffins, chili, soups, salads, smoothies, anything, it's so much fun! ♥ I love receiving letters from my soldiers, and sending out batches of letters to all the lovely ladies standing up for our country ♥ I love that I had an entire weekend filled with girl time, chatting about the ins and out and ups and down of our lives ♥ I love getting to go out for dinner and a movie for FREE, rebates are fantabulous! ♥ I love reading all the inspirational posts on HerFuture ♥ I love the latest Jane Austen spinoff "Murder at Mansfield Park" ♥ I love that I can tweet my thoughts to my favorite authors and get a response ♥ the smell of cinnamon and bananas ♥ reading all the new young adult fantasy series, with selkies, banshee, mermaids, witches, and all sorts of fun creatures ♥ watching season 4 of the Tudors ♥ the "Good Witch" trilogy on Hallmark channel ♥ breaking out the holiday music, especially Tori Amos, Kristen Chenowith and the "Maybe This Christmas" compilations ♥ my new haircut ♥ planning for 2011

My Favorite Links this week:

Tuning Fork Sound Therapy
I Want to Be...A Travel Writer
Have a Holly Jolly Holiday With EFT
New Traditions
Hairdos for Dogs
Dogs Don't Understand Basic Concepts Like Moving
Sunday Life: Walking Meditation....Have You Tried It?

How I Met Your Mother, I Love You So :)

Super fun EFT Tapping Session for "Wicked" fans!

What are you Grateful for?  What's On Your Love List this week? I love hearing from you!!

1 comment:

  1. I love it that you love Murder at Mansfield Park Shanna! Made my day!
