
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cinnamon as a Healing Agent

Cinnamon smells divine, tastes like heaven, and is a major healer. You can easily add this wonderful herb to smoothies, tea, oatmeal, chili and many other recipes.

Health Benefits of Cinnamon

  • Regulates blood sugar, treats type 2 diabetes
  • Heals yeast infections
  • Prevents unwanted clotting of the blood
  • Reduces arthritis pain
  • Proliferation of leukemia and lymphoma cells
  • The smell boost cognitive functioning and memory
  • Fights the E Coli virus
  • Heals the common cold
  • Great source of manganese, fiber, iron and calcium
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Improves digestion
  • Treats diarrhea
  • Treats toothaches
  • Eliminates bad breath
  • Treats migraines and headaches
  • Improves flatulence
  • Improves nausea
  • Helps with painful menstrual cycles
  • Improves energy, vitality and circulation
  • Helps our body digest fruit and dairy products
  • Helps stop growth of unwanted bacteria

How do you use cinnamon in your diet?


  1. I love cinnamon! Just this morning I sprinkled it liberally over my banana...yummy! I am really partial to cinnamon teas too.

  2. Hey this is awesome! My mom sent me a bottle of Cinnamon in capsules. I was wondering what it was good for but I hadn't gotten around to researching it yet... So... THANKS!
