
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Oracle Cards

Oracle Cards are an ancient method of receiving guidance, clarity, and messages from your Spirit Guides.  I've been utilizing Oracle Card for many years now, on and off, but recently have gotten back into it.  I have five decks created by Doreen Virtue: Magical Mermaids and Dolphins, Magical Unicorns, Healing With the Fairies, Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards and Archangel Oracle Cards.  Recently I also purchased Toni Carmine Salerno's Magdalene Oracle.  Oracle cards are fun to use, and surprisingly accurate.  Sometimes I just pick one card to see what my "message of the day" is, other times I might be drawn to pick 3-4 cards and if I have a major issue, I might do a full reading with several cards.  This week I decided to tackle the same question with all six decks to see what would happen.  I asked what guidance might help me improve my health, career, and relationships.  Many of the decks shared the same messages with me, proving that maybe there is something to this intuition stuff.  Here's what I learned:

1. Detoxification.  Every single deck encouraged me to participate in a detox.  I realized that I've been thinking about scheduling a colonics and getting back into enema's lately, so this just confirmed to me that this is an important issue that needs to be taken care of directly. 

2. Exercise.  Almost all the decks drew a card that suggested I do more exercise.  Triton and I go on walks daily, but I've also wanted to incorporate rebounding and yoga into my daily exercise routine.  Once again, the cards affirmed that this is important to my journey.

3. Let Go, Let God. I had several cards in all the decks that basically indicated that yes, I'm on the correct path, my prayers/affirmations are kicking in, and I need to let go and allow the Universe to provide for me.  I was also reminded to continue to meditate, and believe that I know the answers to my questions. 

4. Transformation.  Many of the cards had this theme running through them.  All the work I've done, physically/emotionally/spiritually has caused me to turn a corner and land on a brighter path.  I'm changing and evolving and getting back in touch with some aspects of myself that I may have waylaid.  The cards encouraged me to enjoy the process, be grateful, and meditate.

5. New Relationships.  The cards told me I was surrounding by love, new relationships were coming, and family relationships were in a healing process.  I was also warned to beware of a new relationship with a person who is a user. 

Other messages received included: Serve Others, Laughter, Let Go of Stress, and Speak Your Truth.

The Dolphins and Mermaids gave me an interesting exercise.  Write down a list of your fears about moving forward, then "drown" those fears by putting the paper into a bucket or large bowl of water.  Then, take a cleansing shower, bath or swim.  The water seals your new way of seeing yourself and reminds you that you are equal to all other children of God.

Do you use Oracle Cards?

1 comment:

  1. I use the cards sometimes and it is amazing how accurate they can be!
