
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Love and Gratitude Friday's: Attracting Abundance

This week I am Grateful for all of the Abundance I've drawn into my life recently.  Using some amazing tools, I've received so many blessings recently.  I am Grateful to my Mom for introducing me to the Law of Attraction, the kind gentleman at the local photography studio who offered to do Triton's session for free, my recent sales, Sourcebook for hosting a contest and sending me a brand spanking new Book (Darcy's Voyage), a wonderfully profitable month at the office, the abundance of gorgeous fall days, new friendships, and all of the wonderful tools for allowing abundance into my life.  I choose to continue to allow the Universe to deliver Abundance to me and am Grateful for everything I receive.  This weeks Love List will highlight the wonderful tools I use to attract Abundance.

1. I LOVE the concept of New Moon Abundance Checks.  Essentially, you write a check to yourself from the Universe during the New Moon each month, put it aside, and allowing Abundance to come to you.  It may sound like a gimmick, but it worked for Jim Carey, and in September it worked for me! Hey, what do you have to loose, check this out!

2. The 30-Day Prosperity Affirmation.  Ok, so I found out about this around the same time as the New Moon Abundance Checks.  This affirmation strengthens the check, and helps bring prosperity in all forms into your life.  I didn't do it for the full 30 days the past lunar cycle, but I intend to do so this time.  Again, why not?

3. The Secret DVD.  This fab film really introduced me to the Law of Attraction.  People of all walks of life share stories, tools and experiences in this inspirational film.  I loved the gratitude tips and concept of creating a Vision Board.  This is not to be missed, and a great way to get started on attracting abundance into your life.  Oprah featured this movie several times on her show.

4. Create a Vision Board.  This is an excellent way to set goals and attract what you desire into your life.  Here's a great post with some tips: How to Manifest With a Vision Board
5. Declutter your space.  There is a theory that if your life is filled with physical clutter, you cannot attract anything new into your life.  Sarah Wilson posted a great article on her blog with some fantastic tips to combat clutter.  I highly recommend you check it out. Sunday Life: in which oprah's declutter dude peter walsh visits my apartment
6. Follow the works of Esther Hicks aka Abraham.  They have several books and videos that show you how to use the Laws of the Universe in all areas, financial, relationships, etc. My personal favorite is the Sara Series, which is geared towards younger folks, but really lays things out simplistically.  When you have the time, I recommend checking out this series of videos that details the Law of Attraction.





What are you Grateful for?  What's on your Love List?  Where have you seen Abundance in your life recently?

1 comment:

  1. I love the abundance of help I have received since my accident, and the abundance of traffic I am getting to my web pages, also the abundance of new clients I am receiving!
