
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Love and Gratitude

This week I'm combining my Loving Tuesday's and Gratitude Friday's blog for one big fat showing of Love and Gratitude.  Love is such an important expression, and there are so many things I feel loving energy towards.  There are also things, people, situations that are more difficult, which is where gratitude comes in.  Finding the gratitude in difficult situations is the first step into shedding our ego and turning each aspect of our life into Love. 


I love books, the way they smell, the feel of the paper beneath my fingertips and getting lost in a new story ♥ the new Jenny and Johnny CD ♥ Lulu's Noodles ♥ sale weekends at Kohl's, especially when I still have a $100 gift certificate from Christmas ♥ going braless ♥ Chai Tea ♥ my new Unicorn and Mary Magdalene oracle cards...awww my unicorn card today is "Love From Your Parents" ♥ boots! ♥ the one processes treat that I still indulge in, those chocolate marshmellow creations from Russell Stovers that are bunnies, santas, or pumpkins depending on the holiday ♥ hearing old favorites on the radio ♥ funky tights ♥ fall for the apples, I love Gaia and Honeycrisp ♥ new frienships ♥ writing letters ♥ knowing the waiter or waitress at my favorite local restaurant and feeling like home ♥ having a clean doggie ♥ bouncing on my rebounder ♥ e e cummingsDalai Lama ♥ Chuck on NBC ♥

What's on Your Love List?

I am grateful for each moment I get to spend with Triton and the fact that he forces me to exercise whether I'm in the mood or not
I am grateful for my job and the flexibility it provides and my new job as a writer
I am grateful for the cooler weather, which I am sure will inspire me to start mowing the lawn myself
I am grateful to my Dad for fixing up Grandma's lawnmower for me
I am grateful we are getting a Trader Joe's at Ward Parkway Mall, just 5 minutes from home!
I am grateful for having a clean bathroom, freshly washed sheets and the laundry done
I am grateful to have caught the first episode of the Nanny the other night, and now I can DVR the entire series in order, woohoo!!
I am grateful to the trash pickup service and recycle pickup service that come every week like clockwork
I am grateful to be able to open my windows and let the fresh air in
I am grateful for the Universe safely providing for my adopted soldier

What are you Grateful for?



  1. Im grateful for my physical health, my loving partner and family, the health of my dogs, a life passion in writing and yoga.
    come say hi at!

  2. I am grateful for good friends, my soft cuddly dogs, my beautiful daughter, that my hip is healing, squidoo money, organic yogurt, roosbos tea, my memory foam pillow, helpful people, books, and the premiere of Chuck! :)

  3. I am totally grateful for hot water that comes out of the shower spigot with just the turn of a knob... further... I'm grateful that the water just swirls down the drain when I'm done with it... and I'm also grateful for clean fluffy towels to dry off in!
