
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Love List

Crazy Sexy Cancer survivor Kris Carr recently started a fabulous trend at her blog CrazySexyLife, the Love List. Love Lists are just an acknowledgement of things we adore.  You can put a list together anytime, keep adding to the one you've got, shout out a new love daily, whatever rocks your boat.  It's a sweet reminder of the beautiful loving world we live in. Check out Kris' lists (which she will be posting every Wednesday) here:
Love List: Chandeliers & Airstreams
Love List: Flea Markets & Snapshots

You can also check out Gala Darling's version Things I Love Thursday and follow the conversation on Twitter #lovelist. 

Here's my Love List for this lovely Tuesday in August

I LOVE spending time with my wonderful puppy dog, going to the park, walking down the Trolley Trail, watching him play with his artichoke, car rides where both his head AND tail hang out the window, random people taking pictures of him on the plaza, the busboy at Eden's Alley asking about him every time I go in, taking him to eat on the patio at restaurants, chasing squirrels, giving him baths, swimming at the dog park, cuddling on the sofa, he's my number one :)

 Superfoods smoothies, shiny clean house, blogging, werewolves, musicals, meditation, raw cacao, meeting lovely new lady friends, Doreen Virtue, the rose garden at Loose Park, Ben&Jerry's Smores, coconut oil, zinc, Twitter, Reiki, being an ~ing girl, rebounder, affirmations, gratitude, forgiveness, teddy bears, LOVE LISTS,, Her Future


Squidoo, Warehouse 13, Eureka, Kris Carr, snail mail, meeting my Spirit Guides, Thai food, Laura Bell Bundy, Pandora, mini-golf, pecans, journaling, dancing it out, running barefoot in the grass, smiling, laughing, Naughty Monkey shoes, dolphins, ocean sounds

Jane Austen spinoff books Mr. Darcy's Daughters
This oil spill benefit zazzle store Art for Oil Spill
Gabrielle Bernstein Videos Gabrielle Bernstein on Vimeo
This beautiful gal's blog My Hip Guide to Happiness


What's on your Love List?


  1. Durango, Aurora, Magic, YOU!, unicorns, faeries, hot fudge sundaes, broccoli, my friends, purple, rainbows, my flower garden...

  2. You are awesome! And totally on my love list!
