
Friday, August 13, 2010

Gratitude Fridays: Honoring Those Who Serve Our Communities

Experiencing gratitude is an awakening to the true expression of Spirit.  This planet, Universe, we created is lovely, filled with hope, joy, courage, passion, and beauty.  Most days we focus on the lack, the pain, hate, fear, ugliness, and in doing so bring down the vibrations of ourselves, our friends, co-workers and planet.  Every Friday I will be celebrating those things I am truly grateful for, and giving you tips on expressing and feeling grateful.  I encourage you to start coming up with at least 5 things daily to be grateful for.  Start a journal and write down your gratitude's daily.  Need some inspiration?  Check out World Gratitude for 42 days of inspirational ways to experience Gratitude.

Farmers enrich our community, provide us with nourishing foods, labor during the hottest times of the year, get up before dawn to bring us their delicious offerings to the Farmer's Market, and they do it with joy, gratitude and passion.  I am GRATEFUL to all the Farmer's in my community and the invaluable service they provide.

I am GRATEFUL for the Plumber's who installed my new trenchless sewer system, the air-conditioner repair man who came out on the weekend, the garage door repair man who was there the next day, the electricians, carpenters, roofers and all other service professionals that give up their evenings, weekends, holidays and family time to ensure we live in comfort.

To all the Soldiers out there, thank you for protecting my rights, ensuring peace in the world, and risking your lives daily.  I am GRATEFUL for the long months away from home, missed birthdays and holidays, bullet wounds, and hot steamy nights.  You are all hero's in my heart.

I am GRATEFUL to all the men and women who have dedicated months of their lives to cleaning our oceans, healing injured animals and stopping the continuous flow of oil into our ocean.  You are true leaders and visionaries; I am proud of you.

Thank you for each child molester you take off the streets, for capturing the Waldo Rapist, for protecting children in foster homes, educating children through D.A.R.E. and ensuring my safety.  I am GRATEFUL for each night you risk your life on the streets, every moment away from your family, every evil you protect my community from.  Your courage is astounding.

President Obama, firefighters, paramedics, cable repair personnel, city light worker, sewer system operator, water department employee, garbage wo(man), recycle center employee, nurse, doctor, teacher, social worker, park ranger, CIA/FBI agent, construction worker, public works employee, beekeeper, honorable politician, postal worker, UPS/FED EX driver, bus driver, phone company employee, librarian, mentor, pilot, flight attendant, volunteer


1 comment:

  1. I am grateful for all the lightworkers that are raising the vibrations of this planet, and all the wonderful people you have already mentioned!
